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Fear is the scariest feeling in the world

The constant fear of not living to someone' expectation

The constant fear of being left out and being all alone

The constant fear that something bad is going to happen

The constant fear that they will let me down each and every time.

Thinking that everyone was out having fun with their life while I was crying my heart out

In the past, I was fearless, thinking that whatever obstacles I've faced, I will get through it

However, it's different this time

The constant disappointment that nobody ever wants me in their life because they are too busy handling their life

Yet, they secretly texted each other, without adding me into the conversation

They went out together as a group without having me around

As time goes by, it still remains the same as I was the person who was the first to initiate the conversation to them via text like:

"How was school?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I miss talking to you."

Up to now, nobody notice the difference in me because they are too busy talking about their life while I mindlessly nodding my head, trying to keep up with their topics

I was drowning in my pool of fear ever since last year when I battled with my panic attacks

I told them but it's as if it's nothing serious but it was serious to me

The very fear that I will drowned in my darkness, unable to wake myself up

And....that fears me the most


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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