XVII. Brown Eyed Girl

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FOR CLARA, THE BEGINNING OF HER FINAL TERM was spent between the library and the hospital wing. Either she was studying for her N.E.W.T exams or she was shadowing Madam Pomfrey.

Of course, she preferred the real life experience of being able to observe the healer at work over scouring through her textbooks, reading the same passage on Wolfsbane potion for the hundredth time. She couldn't think of any moment in her life where she'd need to know how to brew that particular concoction, even as a healer. But it was part of the curriculum, so she needed to know it in order to pass. Therefore, the mounting fort of textbooks constantly surrounding her was necessary.

Nothing compared to the real thing, though. Perhaps it was a bit morbid, but her favourite injury of the term so far – if she was allowed to say that – was when a fifth year Hufflepuff boy came in after the first Quidditch match of the year. The poor boy's foot was facing the wrong direction after falling from his broom. It looked quite painful (and a bit gross) but Clara finally got to watch firsthand as the Healer tended to an injury that took more than Episkey to fix. To say that she wasn't completely captivated by the whole process would have been a lie. But other than that, the beginning of her final term was rather uneventful.

The mysterious person hidden in the cot behind the beige curtain had yet to return. At least, they weren't there on the days she shadowed and she got the hunch that Madam Pomfrey made sure of it. While Clara was quite certain it was Remus laying in that hospital bed, she never confronted the boy. She did, however, try to get answers from her brother after their encounter in the hospital wing. But all of her questioning was to no avail. James had gotten uncharacteristically stern with her when she pressed him for information, so she quickly dropped the subject.

All in all, it was a mundane return to school. That is, until the week leading up to Valentine's Day. Clara hadn't been paying too much attention to the date on the calendar, only to her timetable and assignment due dates. So, when Marlene planted herself at the Gryffindor table across from Clara and Fabian during breakfast on the Thursday before, Clara had no idea what to expect. As a form of greeting, the blonde had a conspiring grin on her face.

"Good morning." Clara welcomed tentatively.

Wasting no time, Marlene got right to the point, "Do you two lovebirds have any plans on Saturday?"

Clara glanced towards Fabian who replied with a shake of his head as he chewed on a piece of toast and jam.

Marlene scoffed dramatically, "You're not doing anything for Valentine's Day? Are you even a couple?"

Clara shrugged dismissively, "It's a silly holiday."

"Oh, come on. It's fun! There's chocolates, roses, maybe a bit of kissing," she teased before leaning across the table and lowering her voice, "Or more."

"Enough, Marlene! Merlin..." Clara scolded with a furious blush painting her cheeks.

She laughed as she stole a strawberry from Clara's plate. With her mouth still full, she mumbled, "You two should come out with Sirius and I, then. Like a double date."

Confusion and shock flooded Clara's mind, but there was also a curious ache in her chest that accompanied it. Though now was not the time to address that feeling. Instead, Clara sought out clarification, because this pairing between Marlene and Sirius was certainly news to her.

"Are you two...?"

"Oh, Merlin, no!" Marlene quickly dismissed with a wave of her hand, "Neither of us had plans so we decided to spend it together so we don't look like losers. Since clearly neither of you plan to spend it alone with each other, why don't you hang out with us in Hogsmede?"

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