XX. Black Dog

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A P R I L  1 9 7 7

A P R I L  1 9 7 7

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BOTH JAMES AND REMUS' SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAYS had come and gone and neither boy had yet to make any effort to reconcile with Sirius. In that time, Fabian and Gideon had instead filled the void left behind by their friend. As much as they could, at least.

In Sirius absence, the twins were the one who were there when Euphemia sent two cakes baked with love for James and Remus' birthdays – strawberry and vanilla for James and double chocolate for Remus, of course. The twins had even pooled their pocket money together to get the boys gifts from Honeydukes, which seemed to especially please Remus.

In the midst of all their heartache, it thrilled Clara to see her brother getting along so well with Fabian and Gideon. Even after all her effort to keep their groups of friends separate, this past month had caused a change of heart. The Potter siblings' friends were finally beginning to merge into what she hoped would eventually become one big family.

Still, while James, Remus, and Peter would never admit it, no one could ever replace Sirius. Even Clara felt the void of his absence.

In the weeks since the incident, they all avoided talking about it. However, that time wasn't entirely filled with sorrow. Clara and Remus had grown much closer as they discovered they were much more similar than they had ever realised. Particularly with their disinterest in Quidditch and fondness for muggle movies – especially the scary ones like Carrie and The Exorcist. The two had already compiled a list that they wanted to watch together over the summer, much to James and Peter's dismay – neither of whom particularly cared for horror films.

While Clara couldn't help Remus on the nights of the full moon, she knew she could be there for him afterwards. After talking with Madam Pomfrey, and with Remus' blessing of course, they moved her shadowing schedule to correspond with each month's full moon. The next of which was to happen that coming weekend.

On the Tuesday before, Clara was sat at the foot of Peter's bed, listening to the boys discuss their worries about how they would handle their first full moon without Sirius' aid. The fact that they had all taught themselves how to transfigure into animals was so impressive to Clara that she was almost able to look beyond how illegal it was that the group of teenage boys were all unregistered animagi.

It was somewhat sad that what finally brought her closer to her brother's friends was such a horrible situation, but the free periods she spent with them was shockingly enjoyable. She actually enjoyed Remus and Peter's company, much to her surprise.

"Nonsense, Moony. We'll be alright, we always are." James assured Remus who had just finished another of his anxious rants about how dangerous it could be without Sirius' help. The boy had spent almost the entire morning trying to convince James and Peter that he'd be alright without their help for at least one full moon.

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