Chapter 32: Somethings best forgotten

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'/' thinking

'/' Talking


As Issei and his companions prepared for the upcoming trip to Poland and it's capital to see the Slavic God of Underworld. Issei told Lucy to go and call the girls to come to his room so that they could discuss what are their plans and to finally get an explanation from Cassie about her past that hunted her and to see if there is any way to help her.

Nodding her head the mighty heiress did what was told through on Issei's request she didn't told the girls why he was calling them and not half an hour later Issei's group was assembled in his room still not knowing why they were called, and the person who called them wasn't there.

Though just as they were about to go and search for him, Issei entered the room with 2 plates one with drinks and other with some small snacks were there was everyone's favorite on it.

Seeing them all there Issei smiled as he put it down on a small coffee table before leaning on the wall looking at the girls who were a bit unnerving at his serious gaze. And they knew that what was about to be said would be indeed serious.

"Well, I'm glad that you all came here." Issei told them with a smile before he chuckled at hearing Katase mumbling about him being an asshole for even thinking about them not coming.

"Now I called you all here to discuss about the trip to Poland and something that I personally think is way overdue but better late than never. It's about Cassie and her past." Issei said sternly as he heard Cassie gasp before lowering her head and giving him a nod.

"Good, now first is a trip. From what I gathered from Elsha and Odin, we should be at the border of the realm around noon, from the border we will be escorted to the capital by a squad of Wing Hussars and a battalion of the regular army. I was instructed to tell you that whatever happens to stay calm and do not show any aggressive behavior and that also applies to you girls." Issei said while giving a small glare towards Lucy and Cassie who whistled in innocent before he looked at all the girls who all nodded their heads. "As you heard we will also be going with Arnett and Asuna. Both were there a few times already and from what Arnett told me it won't be until we get to Warsaw that we need to worry."

"What do you mean by when we get there we need to worry Issei?" Katase asked as she took a few bites of a chocolate bar.

"Yeah, I don't get it either. I thought we need to be wary of them from the beginning." Chelsea said as some girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah well, while that would be true if the one that commands this squad of the elite unit isn't Asuna's fiance. So even if he would be a problem Asuna is there to help us and we also have, Cassie's new rival, Arnett on our side." Issei answered with a smirk.

"Okay, though what is waiting for us at the Capital?" Cassie asked in a shy voice as she was still a bit uncomfortable since after this it was her turn to speak.

"Sadly that I don't know yet, though be prepared for anything." Issei responded with a sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well, either way, expect a good thing but prepare for the worst case basically." Lucy told everyone in a serious voice, and everyone nodded again in confirmation.

Seeing as they were done with a trip part Issei coughed in his hand getting attention from the girls who looked at him only to see him looking at Cassie who had her eyes wide as she knew what he was getting at.

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