The A's

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Asexual- feeling little to no sexual attraction

Androsexual-being attracted to masculine gender presentation

Agender-not identifying with any gender(genderless)

Androgyne-This term overlaps a lot between gender identification and presentation.  It can be used to describe others and as an identification.   This term is used to describe people who are neither male nor female or are both male and female.  Basically anyone who does not fit into a binary gender category.

Aporagender-sombody with strong identity of non binary

AFAB- Assigned Female At Birth
AMAB- Assigned Male At Birth

Allosexual-A word and category describing those who experience sexual attraction. Use of this term helps to normalize the experience of being asexual and provides a more specific label to describe those who aren't part of the asexual community.

Allosexism-This refers to norms, stereotypes, and practices in society that operate under the assumption that all human beings experience, or should experience, sexual attraction.
Allosexism grants privilege to those who experience attraction and leads to prejudice against and erasure of asexual people.

Aromantic- experiencing little to no romantic attraction

Autosexual- attracted to yourself

Abrosexual-an individual who experiences their sexuality change frequently. It can fluctuate between different sexualities often.

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