The P's

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Pansexual- A term that describes individuals who can experience sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction to any person, regardless of that person's gender, sex, or sexuality.

Panromantic- A term that describes individuals who can experience romantic, or emotional (but not sexual) attraction to any person, regardless of that person's gender, sex, or sexuality.

Pangender- identifying as all genders and pronouns

Polysexual- individuals who can experience romantic, or emotional (but not sexual) attraction to any person, regardless of that person's gender, sex, or sexuality.

Polyamorous-having multiple intimate relationships, whether sexual or just romantic, with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. Polyamory is generally not gender-specific; anyone can have multiple partners of any gender.

Pomosexual- Refers to non-orientation in which people disregard sexuality labels altogether. Basically, labels are seen as superficial and insignificant to someone who identities as pomosexual.

passing- when a person is seen as the gender they present as, regardless of their sex assigned at birth. (ex. me [trans man] being called 'he' by the cashier at walmart instead of 'she')

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