II - Life of a Sellsword

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Run! Run!

Cee sat up abruptly from her sleep, her heart hammering against her chest. She sat at the edge of the bed, hunched over with elbows on her knees and head on her hands.

Her past. It was always there, haunting her. Taunting. Her father, her mother, and her twin brother. Her burning city. And the man who led its sacking.

She shook her head. She had done her best to forget but somehow the memory lingered.

The noble-born Chalisandra was long gone. I am Cee, a sellsword. A sword for hire. Chalisandra was long dead, burned from existence, much like the city of Creage.

It was a mantra she made just to keep her from spiraling, to keep her sane.

The life she chose kept her from the eyes of those who destroyed her home, but it was not easy.

She made her way towards the city square, contemplating. Memories flashed in her eyes as they fell on the fountain.


Cee was sitting by the side of the fountain, her sword strapped behind her as she dipped her hand by the water, splashing a bit as she watched the people go about in their business. She was waiting for someone to hire her, for a kill, or petty errand, it didn't matter to Cee.

Work is work.

But as a woman sellsword, there were few who would put their money on her. In this city, women were seen as someone... weaker. Inferior. And it made her blood boil. She took her hand from the water as she saw it began to bubble.

She gritted her teeth. She should really check her emotions in a public place like this one.

"Please, sirs, not daughter. I'm begging you. Give me a day and I'll pay you." A commotion made her look up. An armed man held the innkeeper by the collar as four more followed them out, a girl in one of their hands.

"You will pay tomorrow, and we are taking your daughter," one of the armored men said as he shoved him against the inn's wall. People started to circle them.

She scrunched her face in disgust.

Corrupted guards.

The five of them took the poor girl to the center of the square. She fell on her hands and scraped her knees as she cried. Anger bloomed in her chest as she watched one of the guards rip open the back of her dress. She almost jumped at him, almost drawing her sword. But it wouldn't be a wise decision. Corrupted as they may, they were still city guards.

The old man found his way to Cee. "Please, help me. You're a sellsword, right? Please, save my daughter, I'll pay you, anything!"

Work is work.

"Pay me the amount you believe I deserve." She stood up and drew her sword

She walked towards the guards as they ripped the remainder of the girl's clothes. One of them looked her way and stood in front of her.

"What do you want, little girl? Dangerous thing you have there."

"I want you to stop, or I'll use this dangerous thing on you," she answered. She could feel the stare of the whole square on them. Corrupted guards like these men were hated by everyone, but none dared speak or do anything about them. And this would be Cee's chance.

"Step aside little girl. Or do you want to be next after we're done with her?" One of them sneered as he tugged the hair of the girl back.

"Just doing a job, sir. Nothing personal. Let the girl go, and I'll back off. Fight me, and I'll show no mercy."

The Noble Sellsword (Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now