VII - The Lady, The Sellsword, and The Mermaid

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Cee was confusing her and driving her insane. The woman would simply look at her and butterflies would flutter in her stomach, making her nauseous. The first night they shared a room was a bit tense. Cee just returned from her brisk walk after her plea to take her to Creage. It was a demanding request and would take a toll on the both of them, but the older man's voice rang in her head, telling her that Creage still stood.

She was soaking wet from the rain and didn't bother to check on Lysa if she was already asleep. The sellsword simply took her leather armor and trousers and put on a robe as she sat on the chair by the window. Of course, Lysa didn't see anything from the dark, but her mind ran wild, especially that act they put on to avoid the guards.

Lysa lay on the bed as she watched Cee play on the ring that hung on a chain around her neck, her gaze far and outside. It seemed like the woman was not actually looking for something. She was thinking, about what, Lysa could only guess. Her eyes fell on the ring in Cee's hand, wondering who it came from. She watched her until sleep took her.

Lysa woke up alone in the room. Her eyes scanned the room and found food and a note at the table. She read it, saying that Cee would be gone for a while and that the door was locked from the outside. She didn't initially believe her, but when she tried the door, it didn't budge.

That's quite unnecessary.

She sighed heavily as she took a piece of bread and poured herself the milk Cee had brought her, which was a bit of a surprise how the sellsword perceived she didn't drink wine for breakfast given that she was raised in a lord's household. She peered through the window and her eyes caught guards walking around making her hide behind the thick curtain, her heart pounding against her chest. She waited for a few moments and looked down again and saw Cee with a blonde man. He was the one who was supposed to take her to the Courts, Draco. Cee appeared smaller compared to his muscular body, but she looked more intimidating with that glare she was giving the man.

She watched them talk, Cee's brows knitted as she spoke while the man held both her arms in his hands, trapping her. Lysa felt anger rise in her body as she saw the interaction. She felt... jealous.

She shook her head.

No, that's... I shouldn't be feeling this towards her.

Her gaze landed on them again and the two seemed to be in a heated argument. Her chest began to fill with dread.

Had Cee told him about me? Is she going to bring him here, where I couldn't escape?

But all those thoughts disappeared when she saw Draco pull Cee up and kiss her. She felt her own eyes widen at the event unfolding right in front of her. The jealousy she felt intensified and she wanted to jump out of the window and push the man off of her. But Cee beat her to it.

The woman pushed him off of her and her fist connected to his jaw, making him fall to his back. The man remained seated, elbows on his knees with his head on his hands.

Lysa waited for Cee to return, and when she did, it was already dark. She had a platter of food in one hand, two bottles of wine, and a jug in the other. Their eyes met and she could see that she was a bit... disoriented, probably already had some wine before coming up to her room.

"Here," she whispered as she put the food and the jug on the table, "Eat. Then get some rest. We leave before sunrise."


"I'm taking you to Creage," she simply said as she took the bottles and went to bed. She sat there with a grim look on her face, even though she could only see her side profile. She held onto her chain necklace as she took a deep breath, like touching the mere ring would calm her down.

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