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TO SEE A QUEEN, his lady, do a curtsy for him, Hakken knew he was in an unfavorable situation. This was a trap laid bare. His response to his lady's introduction would decide whether he could accompany her or not.

Though what his lady didn't know was that he was more than ready to be entrapped if that meant being with her.

"Hakken Arages," he bowed his head and answered her curtsy. "A descendant of Sappher. It is my pleasure to meet you, my lady."

Sollel took a calm, deep breath when she heard how Hakken's introduced himself. "You're a descendant of Sappher?"

Hakken raised his head and looked into Sollel's eyes. "Yes, my lady."

Any kindness and humor in Sollel's face disappeared as she stared back at Hakken. And Hakken felt the coldness in his lady's gaze. He knew it was coming when he decided to introduce himself, but it was still unnerving seeing his lady's expression changed.

"I wonder why a Sappher's descendant wants to protect me. As far as I can remember, we are enemies. Your race abhors mine."

Hakken answered without a second thought or hesitation, "My lineage is not that important to me, my lady. As I told you before, I'm ready to fight the whole world for you, and if it meant betraying my whole race and making the world my enemy, then so be it."

Hakken was ready to defend himself against his lady's wrong assumption of him and prove to her that he would rather betray the whole Azitera than betray her when his lady chuckled at his serious face.

"Relax, Hakken. I was just teasing you."

Hakken looked at his queen blankly.

Sollel chuckled again before she explained herself, "I don't really care if you're a descendant of Sappher or not. It doesn't matter to me. I value honesty more than anything."

Hakken just blinked at his lady. He didn't know if he was speechless because of relief or if it was because he'd been duped.

"And you said you like me. I'll take it as an insurance." Sollel smiled before her hand reached out to fix Hakken's slightly messy hair. "But if you betray me..." Sollel lost her smile in an instant. "I will kill you myself. I will burn you to ashes until there's nothing left of you."

Hakken was not threatened because in the first place, he had no plan to betray his lady. "Yes, my lady."

Sollel smiled again like she didn't just threaten Hakken. "It's settled then. Please protect me well, Hakken."

Hakken didn't know how to respond to that other than to nod absentmindedly at his lady who seemed cheerful after threatening him. He really couldn't decipher her. She was smiling and being kind, but why did it feel like it was all pretend?

Was it his instinct kicking in, or was he just overthinking? Hakken didn't know anymore. Let's focus on what's important at the moment.

"If we want to cross the Valley of Bones safely and not get lost, let's wait till it's dark," Hakken suggested as he faced the valley. "The valley of bones is vast, and one could easily get lost if not careful."

"Why do we have to wait 'till dark?" Zassia was against the idea. "Isn't the Valley of Bones a burial ground? It'll be very scary once night fell."

Grath glanced at the quiet valley. "Is there a specific reason why we need to wait, Lord Hakken?"

Hakken answered the two, "To cross the Valley of Bones safely, one needs to follow the aster path."

While Hakken was explaining, Sollel found herself an old log and sat there while watching Hakken.

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