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BEFORE REACHING the center of the valley, the kingdom and the empire's army were already cut down to half — killed by the skeletons, undead, wraiths and ghouls. The only thing that kept the half of the army alive were the sorcerers, especially the flame sorcerers who gave their all to protect and defend.

And as the fight dragged on while advancing, the two flame sorcerers were exhausted and their strength was drained from fighting, which was good news to warlord Hakkeran.

On the other hand, Gabin was worried that the warlord might give away his plan — he kept smiling from time to time that Gabin had to kick his lord's feet and remind him not to gloat so much.

"Your excellency!" Gabin hissed at his lord for smiling again. "Keep your smile to yourself. Our soldiers are dying. At least, keep a somber face."

Hakkeran's face immediately became somber as he looked ahead.

"Your excellency, I know this scene makes you happy, but aren't you being too happy?"

With a somber face, Hakkeran replied. "Our flame sorcerers are fighting in the front line so heroically," Hakkeran exaggerated his appreciative voice like he meant it. "I'm just... moved, Gabin." He sounded so genuine that it made Gabin grimaced. "They're fighting so hard without knowing that they'll still die by the hands of my queen."

Gabin sighed in exasperation. "Your excellency, stop saying 'my queen'. She's not yours, you two are not close and she doesn't even know you."

Hakkeran's mood instantly dropped. "You don't have to rub salt in my wound, Gabin. I'll kick your horse and whoop your ass."

Gabin shut his mouth because he knew he hit a sore spot.

"I know my queen doesn't know me," Hakkeran sighed sorrowfully. "I know she has no idea who I am, but she will always be my queen."

Gabin couldn't help pointing out the obvious again. "Your excellency, you are her enemy, a descendant of Sappher. You were raised to kill her, not help her."

"But I'm in love with her."

Gabin sighed. "I know."

"That's why I will feed my queen until she's full." Hakkeran declared. "I don't really care what happens to anyone or to Azitera. As long as my queen is happy, she could destroy the world and I'll be okay with that."

Gabin was not surprised to hear this kind of talk from his excellency. Hearing his excellency's plan year after year made him immune to this kind of talk. What worries him sometimes was the soft expression on his excellency's face when he talks about Queen Sollel, the Mistress of flame and the destruction she might cause in Azitera like it's a good thing.

"Then, why didn't you introduce yourself the first time you found her?" Gabin was curious about it. "If you did, who knows, she might have appreciated everything you did for her and like you."

"I'm more useful in the shadows." Hakkeran answered instinctively, without a sliver of hesitation. "It's better this way, Gabin. Knowing the enemy's movement and dealing with them fast before they could reach my queen is more important than soothing my aching and hopeful heart."

Gabin slightly shook his head, remembering what the warlord did to General Adri who was hunting Queen Sollel down. Not just General Adri, but to everyone who dared to hunt the Mistress of flame was taken out by the warlord that's why the Queen's journey was smooth sailing so far — no enemies from the empire's side.

Gabin and Hakkeran's exchanged stopped when two soldiers came running to Hakkeran and General Kar to report.

"General, we found traces of four people traveling and a burnt mark on the ground."

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