Chapter 1:Friends?

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Tiana sat on her bed for 15 minutes staring at the wall as she heard her parents argue and fight downstairs. "Not Again" she said.
Tiana texted her bestfriend Angela.
"Hey" she texted. Angela left her on read.
She walked out of her room into her little sister's. She was fast asleep in the crib. Than Tiana heard a BANG.
She ran downstairs as fast as possible to see her parents destroyed the kitchen. Upset she packed her and her sister an overnight bag and went to her aunts house.

"Honey we miss you please come back" her mom texted.
Tiana sat her phone down as if she never even saw the text.
"Girl if you don't get up and get yo behind to school" Tiana's aunt said
Tiana put her hoodie on over her school clothes and put the straps of her bookbag on her shoulder.
She patiently waited at the bustop for 10 minutes.
In the corner of her eyes  she saw her best- friend side eyeing her, but she ignored it.
When she got to school she could here nothing but loud teenagers talking about Dr. Glenn.Confused she walked into the principals office.
"Will Dr.glenn be here today". Tiana said,
"No" the principle said with a non-chalant voice.
She walked into the cafeteria to see everyone staring at her. She walked as fast as possible to get a far seat from everyone. She put her head down for a few minutes to see Angela.

"What do you want" Tiana glared at her.
"So your going to be fake now" Angela said.
"Fake!" Tiana said surprised
She stood up and yelled " I've been kissing your behind for 4 years! and I'm tired of letting you walk all over me like a punk"
Angela got up "oh so that's how it is"
"Thats how its been" Tiana said
Angela stormed away out of the cafeteria.

Tiana turned around and texted her aunt "I'm  leaving school now" she signed out at the front office and walked the 15 minutes back to her aunts house. Her aunt opened the door with her baby sister in her arms. "What happened at school?" Tiana explained the story to her aunt. "You should've beat her down" Tiana's aunt said.

Exhausted Tiana took a nap. She woke up late to get something to snack on. She than heard her aunt on the phone saying "Tiana may have to be kept in my custody when I move"
She didn't know how she felt about the situation so she thought it was best to ignore it.
She decided to take off school for the week. She checked the news to see her science teacher Dr. Glenn went missing she had mixed emotions. Dr.Glenn wasn't the nicest but she did not deserve to  go missing. It seemed like no one cared or payed attention to the fact that she was gone.

Tiana's aunt came running downstairs telling Tiana that she had to take her to court to be in Her custody. Tiana had no idea how to feel she was confused with emotions. Tiana's aunt got a phone call that she couldn't talk about in front of her.
Tiana's little sister Lia came downstairs in her footie pajamas asking for something to eat, she fixed her a quick snack. Tiana's aunt came back into the house shocked.

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