Chapter 139 - Hillary Digs Her Own Grave!

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Joel stopped in his tracks and suddenly looked at the lobby manager. He repeated, “What do you mean you won’t allow her to bother me?”

The lobby manager was very shrewd. At the sight of Joel’s reaction, something immediately clicked and he replied, “Yes, that’s right. Mrs. Smith told us just now not to allow the lady at the entrance to come in. She said that this was your instruction.”

He lowered his head. What he said next sounded as if he was claiming credit, but in truth, he was actually lodging a complaint. He said, “We don’t have a rule like that at Club Prism, but Mrs. Smith said that this was an instruction from you, so we had to do as requested, of course.”

Instructions from him…

Joel’s amicable expression faded and he said dispassionately, “She’s not Mrs.. Smith yet.”

The lobby manager put on a show of looking scared and said, “Apologies, Mr. Smith. I’ve always addressed her as Ms. Jones, but she demanded that we change the term of address today…”

Joel didn’t look angry. However, when he turned and saw Tanya, his eyes darkened a little.

Just as the lobby manager was about to say something, Joel looked away from Tanya and said detachedly, “We’ll leave it at that, then.”

For some reason, he didn’t feel like letting her come in and go for her dinner appointment.

The lobby manager was dumbfounded.

For over ten years, he had always been skilled at reading people’s body language and had never made any mistakes before. Had he guessed wrongly this time? Hillary was clearly acting like a donkey in a lion’s skin just now, yet Mr. Smith was actually giving her actions tacit approval now?

He withdrew his gaze and became a lot more respectful. “Alright, Mr. Smith.”

At the entrance.

Tanya waited idly for the parking valet to bring her car over.

Suddenly, a few people came toward her. “Hey, is that who I think it is? Isn’t she Tanya?”

Tanya turned and saw a few people who used to hang out with Hillary walking toward her.

They were her high school classmates. Hillary and the Joneses were considered a moderately wealthy family, so all of them had curried favor with her back then. Why were they here though?

Were Hillary and Joel… here for dinner with them?

Tanya clenched her jaw.

Joel had despised them when he and Tanya were dating back then. Hillary had brought them over to greet Joel, but he couldn’t even be bothered to pay them any attention at that time.

Yet he was actually willing to dine with them for Hillary’s sake now?


People did change, after all. Right?

While she was inwardly mocking Joel, her ex-classmates started to taunt her.

“Tanya? Are you thinking of going in for dinner? Why don’t you ask Hillary, then?”

“That’s right. What are you standing around here for? Didn’t they say that you were the champion in an international dance competition? Why aren’t you able to even enter a small club like this?”

“Man, what’s the big deal about being a world champion? Did you win any prize money? Have you spent it all??

Tanya’s eyes narrowed at their mockery of her.

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