Chapter 145 - God-mom... Tanya???

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The premium VIP wards were on the top floor of the inpatient department. The lift was full, but Tanya was simply too anxious, so she had taken the stairs instead. Therefore, she didn’t expect to run into Joel.

Joel, who had something urgent to attend to, had to go downstairs, so he also took the stairs.

Joel was currently standing on higher ground and looking down at Tanya, while Tanya was standing on lower ground and looking up at him.

The two looked at each other. For a while, neither of them spoke.

Tanya had rushed all the way here, for fear that Cherry was seriously ill. At the sight of Joel’s familiar face, she subconsciously felt even sadder and her eyes instantly reddened.

Five years ago, she could have made that man her pillar of support.

But five years later, he had already become another woman’s pillar of support.

The thought made Tanya hold back the tears about to gush out of her eyes. She cast her eyes down and walked around Joel so that she could go up.

Joel was watching her.

When the woman first saw him, there had been some lingering affection in her expression. It reminded him of how she had always come to him immediately whenever she was lectured by a professor or whenever she encountered some kind of difficulty.

She would hug him and cry, or hug him and laugh.

She always shared all her feelings with him. Just now, she had looked as if she wanted to rush forward and hug him.

Yet it had taken only an instant for the woman to change her mind. The look in her eyes became distant, and she even wanted to walk past him.

The rose-scented shower gel on her wafted over to him. The scent was so familiar and so long-lost that it made a lump form in his throat.

Tanya wanted to walk past the man quickly and hurry to the ward.

There was no one else in the stairwell, and the door had shut out all the noise in the hallway outside.

She felt like she could even hear the man’s heartbeat in the small, closed-off environment. The stairs were relatively narrow, so Tanya turned sideways when she passed him by.

It was at this point that the man suddenly grabbed her arm. He asked, “Tanya, do you know that there’s something going on between Justin Hunt and Nora Smith?”

Tanya didn’t immediately understand what he meant, so she frowned and said, “Their relationship can’t be made public yet. What’s the matter?”

‘Can’t be made public yet’… In other words, she knew?

Since she knew that man was two-timing her, then why was she still staying with him?

Five years ago, when she realized what had happened between him and Hillary, hadn’t she immediately left him so firmly and resolutely? Was it because she loved that man more than she loved him?

Joel felt terribly frustrated. He asked, “Therefore, you’re willing to turn a blind eye to their relationship? Or are you actually the mistress instead?”

Although he hadn’t interacted much with Nora before, he could tell that she was a very prideful woman.

Joel would never believe that she would become someone’s mistress.

But if it wasn’t Nora, then the real mistress was… Tanya?

Anger surged up in Tanya when she heard what he said, and she let out a sarcastic laugh.

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