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Johng wakes up in a puddle of sweat.

The air is humid, and burns his eyes.

He walks down the hall.

"Gargfeld!!!" Said Johng, shakey and terrified.

"Where are you!?!"

All of a sudden, an orange tabby cat materialized in front of him.

"Thank heavens!!!" Said Johng, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"You're alive!!" 

"We're already dead." Said Gargfeld.

"NO!!!!" Screamed Johng.

He pulled his pistol from it's holster, on his waist.

"You don't want to do this johng" Said Gargfeld.

Johng's hands were trembling. 

He aimed for the cat's head.

"Goodbye Gargfeld" Said Johng, he was crying very large amounts of tears now.

He pulled the trigger.


He awoke.

"I find my dreams often disturbing" Said Johng, staring at the camera that records everything he ever does.

Johng and GargfeldWhere stories live. Discover now