Chapter the 10th

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Johng was a hard working man, he did what he had to to make money, and that was hard labor in a field...

Johng didn't make much money, but it was enough to support himself...

Gargfeld on the other hand was a proud multi millionaire...

All Gargfeld did was own a business, he maintained that business by making other people do all his work...

Gargfeld had stolen many ideas before, and he had also committed several counts of tax evasion without any consequence at all...

Johng knew hard work and he lived through it 6 days a week...

Gargfeld knew nothing about hard work...

Johng and Gargfeld used to be friends, but the money corrupted Gargfeld and he left Johng forever...

That was 10 years ago, Gargfeld has forgotten Johng...

Johng lays awake sometimes at night. Thinking about his old friend...

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