Note to Readers

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My lovely readers.

As you will see, the rest of Hide & Seek is no longer on Wattpad. In a few days, it should (fingers crossed) be up on that giant massive other platform named for a river of the world (the one that begins with A), hopefully in both e-version and paperback. 

For new readers, my apologies if you were in the middle of reading. I'd announced late December 2021 that this book would be taken off Wattpad because of plagiarism and copyright issues. I wish I could leave it here, but twice in the last year people have copied my work and put it elsewhere. This is the only way I have to make sure my work remains fully mine. If you would like to continue reading Ri and Damian's story, please look for it on the above-mentioned River-Named Platform.

It made me so sad as I took the book off here.

I am so very grateful to all of you. You've come along with me, Ri and Damian all the way, and I couldn't have done this journey without your support and encouragement. 

Thanks to all of you, I rediscovered my love for writing.

Thanks to all of you, I have reconnected with something I'd lost for many years.

I will continue writing on here (Lio's story is to be finished - and there's the third part of the series, which will conclude it :)) and I hope you will continue journeying with me.

Clanspeed, all :)

PS - To all, a quick note about the pricing: I apologise for the paperback pricing, believe me, I'm not making more than 2% of it, that's all the River-Named Platform, with their printing charges and taxes and other charges :( This was the minimum fee that ensures all those costs were covered. Frankly, I wouldn't have done it, except that some folks had asked specifically for a paperback version.

The e-version is way more affordable!

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