04. benny watts

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04. benny watts


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 [ Third Person POV ]

  IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE WEEKS since Beth's amazing win at the state championship. Both of the Harmon sisters had spent all of their money on clothes and chess equipment for them to practice. 

  As time went on, they were starting to feel more and more comfortable at the Wheatley's house. But then again, Mrs.Wheatley was the only one that was ever actually at the house seeing as her husband was always away working. 

  Speaking of Mrs.Wheatley, the woman had discovered that the girls' talent for chess was something special. The exact moment that the woman heard about the girls' victorious chess playing at the championship, she immediately began searching for more and more tournaments.

  She had soon found one in Cincinnati and excitedly told the girls that they should go. Both Beth and Sophia were initially worried about missing school, but Mrs.Wheatley quickly assured them that it would be no problem and they could simply tell the school that they were sick.

  Sophia had pondered playing at the tournament the whole night after Alma had told them about it. A part of her wanted to, and she was sure that she could win first or second place, especially considering that she had a while to practice before. But then again, it was Beth's dream, not hers; and as much as Sophia loved chess, she didn't know if playing in competitions was for her.

  The girl had discussed it with Andrew during lunch one Sunday and they had made a complete list of pros and cons for whether or not it would be a good idea to compete. After talking back and forth and getting nowhere, Andrew had made the simple question "do you really want to do this? Or do you just feel like you should because of Mrs.Wheatley and Beth?" And that was that.

  The next day, Sophia had told Beth and Mrs.Wheatley that she would not be participating in the tournament and would only be going to support her sister. They were both shocked at first, but after Sophia explained herself, things went back to normal.

  A couple of days before heading to Cincinnati, Sophia celebrated her 17th birthday. It had been something small; she had invited Andrew over to her house for dinner with Beth and Mrs.Wheatley. As always, Mr.Wheatley was on one of his long business trips - not that Sophia minded, she had always thought him very rude. 

  As they headed out to Cincinnati, Sophia realized that it would be the first time in her life that she was traveling out of town. The thought instantly brought an excited smile to her face, and considering the fact that Beth had immense talent, she could already tell that it would not be the last time either.

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