Chapter 1

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I'm doing my scientific experiment when my colleague Fin said something.

"Rei, I gotta go. I left the Hydrochloric acid here in the table 'kay? And I'll leave your water here also. The blue tumbler is the water while the white one is the Hydrochloric acid don't drink the white one alright? I gotta go now." Fin said and left me. 

"Yeah, whatever." I continue my work while humming a song I just heard a while ago. Fin likes music and that made me like music too. 

Hours passed by when I finished my new experiment. I wrote down the things I added and how many and much I add. This is just a normal day for me. Don't get me wrong I love science and currently I'm interested to know more about the universe, meteors or asteroids. I want to discover new things that no one have been discovered before. For some it's quite a big dream but for me it's not just a dream because I know that I will not make it a dream, I'll make it real and unimaginable. 

I'm not doing this for fame, it's just that I'm bored and just ambitious. Well, for a scientist like me, things are different. We're not contented with just one. We explore things, provide statements, experiment, hypothesis and prove it to the world whether it's true or a complete nonsense. Statements and evidence to prove somethings, this is the world around me for years. My mom is a scientist and my dad as well. We're a family of scientist. When I was a kid my mom always tells me that science and mathematics is a powerful instrument or global knowledge and communication that helps us to order our lives and keep them from becoming chaotic. 

I always ask question when I was a kid and adores my parents that's why at the age of ten I became an intern in my parents science lab. At the age of twelve I graduate in College of Physical Sciences and Engineering with masters degree. The school agreed to let me graduate even if my batchmates were ahead of my age. My IQ is much more higher than my age and they know that my parents can support me so this is not a big deal. 

But throughout the years as my parents were known all through the world, and I am not an exemption. I was called the Great Child of de Vega. Numerous people adores me and so my parents. They are so proud of what I achieved and as an only child I will inherit this science lab when my parents decides to retire. 

I yawned and scanned the wall clock. It's already ten in the evening. I suddenly got thirsty so I scan the table where Fin left my water. There's two tumblers and I am thinking what Fin said earlier. 

"Did he said the blue ones the acid... or is it the white one? Wait why did he left it here in the same place in the first place? Is he dumb? Does he wants me dead to the point that I'll confuse myself with these and that will cause my brain to breakdown because of too much thinking? Ah! He wants me to think this seriously to test me huh. Hmm.. Well this is a deadly test If I chose the wrong one I'll be dead. Oh well before I make a wrong move I'll write email to my mom and dad. And to Fin also."

I get my laptop and started writing my farewell email. Well, this is better than be sorry in the afterlife right? 

To My Dearest And Lovely Mother,

            Mom, I am doing a deadly test later it may or not be the cause of my death so if something happens to me, don't be shock, I mean you can be shock but just a little though and remember that I loveeee you so much. I know that this is random but I think I didn't say it enough so yeah. If I die with this test, goodbye and see you in the afterlife you know that being a scientist we explore and it can be a cause of our death and for me I think this will be the cause of my death but don't worry if I survive and made it. I'll tell you soon so don't be sad while reading this for now. Just wait, okay? And also I want to tell you that do you remember there's this time of the month when your money gets lower with 10% actually it's my doing I spend it buying things for the orphans. I don't want to spend my money so I spend yours instead, brilliant right? Of course I'm your daughter so I'm brilliant. Again mom I want to also tell you that thank you so much and I'm grateful that you're my mother. You may not be the best cause you're always busy but I know you love me and that's what matter and I love you too.

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