Chapter 13: Family

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I'm not even the second choice


I was angry. So I did what I normally do when I got angry.


"Hi Ma." I whispered in the phone, my shoulders sagging as relief washed over me.

"Ethan?" She gasped. "Oh my little tomato! How are you? You barely call nowadays!"

I scowled slightly at the nickname, feeling slightly guilty. "Ma! I told you to stop calling me that! And... I'm really sorry- I've just been busy with work."

She chuckled. "No worries little tomato! I understand... and no, I will not stop calling you that. You know, the first time I laid eyes on you I said 'Bloody hell! He looks like a tomato'. Your father nearly passed out from laughter."

"Speaking of Dad, is he there?" I asked, having a sudden urge to change the topic.


"Quit shouting woman- I was only in the next room." Dad mumbled, but I could hear the humour in his tone. "Heya Son, how are you?"

"Stressed." I reply truthfully, sinking deeper into the bed. "There's some problems in our business... And I feel like I'm being a terrible boyfriend to Rey... I don't talk to her as often and when we do talk, I'm tired and- and I feel she's gonna leave me or something."

"Oh I hope not." Ma mumbled. "She's a sweet girl and she reads. Ethan, I hope you appreciate how much she lowered her standards for you."

"I do Ma, don't worry." I replied, running a hand down my face. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, why don't you just talk to her?" She suggested and Dad hummed in agreement. "Ninety-eight percent of relationships in books and real life almost fail because of lack of communication."

"But what do I say?"

"Just explain how you feel. Chances are, she is also having the same thoughts." Dad advised.

"Okay... I will. Tha-"

"Is that Bubba?" A sweet, angelic voice questioned in the background, making a smile bloom across my features. "I wanna talk to him!"


"Bubba!" My five year old sister squealed.

Fiona is not my real sister- at least, not by blood. My parents adopted her when she was a few months old. Within less than a year, she had us all wrapped around her little fingers.

"Mumma, I want to see Bubba!" Fifi demanded. "I want to show him my unicorn!"

I switched the voice call to video call and grinned at the chubby face of Fiona as she attempted to grab the phone away from Dad.

"Bubba!" She shrieked, raising a black unicorn with a pink mane. "Look!"

"So pretty Fifi!" I exclaimed. "What's its name?"

"I named him Horny!"

My eyebrows shot up as my jaw dropped. I looked at my parents who were equally shocked. "Uhh... Fifi, 'Horny' is not a good name for your unicorn."

"Why?" She tilted her head, her soft white curls tumbling over her shoulders.

Fifi is a unique child. She had dark skin and snow-white hair and silver eyes. In the past, people would make fun of her. I once caught her crying in the bathroom, desperately trying to cut her hair with plastic scissors. As a brother, it was the worst sight I had ever seen. I talked with her for hours, convincing her that being unique did not make her 'a monster' and that she should be proud of it. Now, she is a happy bubbly child who is way too sassy for her own good.

"Because... umm.. It's a no-no word." I said seriously.

"What does it mean, though?" She asked, pulling the animal to her chest.

"Err... Ma? Dad? You wanna jump in now?" I laughed nervously.

"Nah, Son, you look like you've got it covered." Dad snorted.

"Well, Fifi, it's not a very nice thing to say." How the hell am I gonna play this off? "And Santa- she does believe in Santa, right?- yeah, Santa and the Easter Bunny will be very disappointed if you name your unicorn that!" I hope this works.

Fifi scrunched up her nose. "Okay Bubba... I'll think of something else... when are you coming to visit?"

"Soon." I promised. "I... just need to sort out some things here first."

"Can you bring Rey too? I really like her! She's so pretty- like a Queen!"

I nodded. We talked for a little bit longer and my parents gave me the usual neighbourhood gossip. I was very proud when Fifi told me she made a boy twice her age cry by beating him up with a teddy bear after he made fun of her hair.

I then decided to call Rey.

"Hello?" Her tired voice asked and I mentally smacked myself for disrupting her sleep. She had been working incredibly hard- pulling small jobs to try and save up to start her own fashion business.

"Hey Rey... I'm so sorry for disturbing you. I completely forgot! I'll call back later-"

"Ethan, calm down." Her French accent was particularly strong. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you." I curled up on the bed slightly. "I feel like I haven't been the best boyfriend- and I bailed on our date last week... I'm really sorry. A lot has happened."

"You don't have to apologise!" I could hear her smile. "I have also not been the best girlfriend and I am sorry... I've been working a lot of shifts lately. But anyways, tell me what happened?"

And so I did. We talked for hours- until the sky became a beautiful canvas of colours. Until the sky became dark and the moon peeked out from behind rolling clouds and the stars winked into existence. I fell asleep to the sound of her quiet voice, feeling content and at peace.

End of chapter 13.

Lots of drama coming up 😉


1. Thoughts on Ethan and Renée's relationship?

2. Thoughts on Fifi's unicorn?

3. Thoughts on Ethan's family?

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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