Chapter 18: We're done

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I can't help but blame myself

Issac: One month later

My right knee bounced in sync with the red hand on the clock. I pressed my fingers against my lips and exhaled shakily. Then, I adjusted the piece of paper in front of me but it looked wrong so I tilted it on the side. I turned it around, then turned it back and waited.

"You can do this Zack," I whispered, "you can do this!"

The door burst open and Alonzo Valencio stormed in, expression contorted angrily.

'You can't do this Zack. What the hell were you thinking?!'

"Hello Issac," Alonzo sighed and sat behind his desk, pushing away some papers, "what do you want?"

'Nice to see you too father. I'm doing well thanks, how are you?'

Instead of voicing my sarcastic thoughts, I chose the diplomatic approach and decided to tell the reason in a straightforward manner. No beating around the bush. Just say, demand and go. Yes. That's it.

"Oh um, just a minute of your time Alon- I  mean, father." 'You're an idiot, Isaac.'

Alonzo arched an eyebrow and slowly nodded, "Very well... that I can give. So, what is the issue?"

"I- um... well, first of all, how is Mum? Is she- is she still in the coma?" 'Straightforwardness be damned. I'm dragging this thing out for as long as I can.'

For the briefest of seconds, pain flashed across Alonzo's expression. My lips turned downwards and I sighed.

"She's- she's still in the coma?" It was more a statement than a question. When confirmed, I strengthened my resolve and clenched my fist tightly together. 'This business is dangerous. What if something else happened to Arya? To the boys? What if they get killed- no.'

I took a deep, shuddering breath. "I want out. From the business. Everything. I've- I've drawn up a contract here. Please sign it."

Alonzo stared at me.

I stared back.

The clock ticked by, unusually loud in the deafening silence.

Then, he laughed.

A full on, belly-shaking, knee-slapping, deep laugh that reverberated through the room. It was the kind of laugh you only get once in a lifetime- and that's if you're really lucky. I think I even saw tears in his eyes. I could count on one hand how many times I've heard my father laugh. In fact, I could count on one finger. Just that one time.

"Um," I coughed awkwardly, "so yeah."

Alonzo frowned, suddenly serious. "This is not a joke? Not the latest act of rebellion?"

"No. I'm one hundred percent serious." I nodded and pushed the paper towards him. "Please read the contract and sign on the dotted line."

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out from my pocket, swiping right on the message and typing in my password. I blinked as a picture of Sparklemuffin popped up, a leather jacket draped around his back and wearing pink 'Hello Kitty' sunglasses. Underneath was the caption:

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