Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Today Makayla doesn't linger as soon as court ends. It wasn't a particularly difficult case and she suspects the defence may have thrown in the towel around the rebuttal stage. The ADA didn't even bother taking this one and really it only got punted to her because Frankie didn't feel like taking doing it and so kindly thought she should have 'an easy week'. Truthfully, she does want an easier week.

As irrational as it is to feel like she shouldn't have minded the misplaced hairbrush that night, the feeling still lingers. She'd countlessly replayed the Lieutenant's reasoning in her head and in the day, she can get herself to believe it. The issue is at night, when she can't play music throughout the house and she has to lie there in bed, helpless to the doubts and worries that drown her peace.

She knows she needs to relax. She needs to go to therapy. Or well...her version of therapy.

The key, Makayla's found to entering a sketchy looking place is to be confident so it sems like you belong there. Avoiding the cigarette butts, she steps down to the basement entrance. The heavy door requires a hard push but as soon as she opens it, the familiar scents and sounds invade her senses her shoulders ease a little. She pushes the door shut and makes the short walk down the hallway to the front desk. A perky, young blonde is perched on the chair looking very out of place surrounded by the too on the nose gothic décor.
"Hi, welcome to Medusa's Cave. My name's Jessie, how can I help you today?"
Makayla forces herself to be smile at the cheerful receptionist.
"I have an appointment. 7pm."
Jessie types into the computer and asks, "with?"
"Mistress Athena."

Shedding her clothes is like removing her armour though she's not totally naked. The Mistress permits Makayla to wear her undergarments since they're usually the lacy kind anyway and retain heels. Afterall with the shiny, thigh high boots the Mistress wears there's no real competition in shoe wear. There's no competition anyway. The Mistress is the Dominant for a reason.

Sinking to her knees on the small area covered by a plush rug, Makayla turns her palms up on her thighs and bows her head to await the Mistress. The familiar room, the equipment and heavy atmosphere never fail to place Makayla in the right headspace. She'd stumbled upon this side of her purely by accident.

Back in her first grad school internship she'd had a boss who'd taken a shine to her. It wasn't unusual to hear of some overly friendly bosses paying special attention to their interns. Makayla figured it was that and made it very clear she wasn't planning on exchanging sexual favours for anything. In fact, she'd be surprised by his propositioning. She hadn't exactly even then been seen as the 'sweet' one. Looking back now, she's sure it was her determination and aggression that caught his interest. He hadn't wanted to fuck her it turns out, rather the opposite and he'd been willing to have her trained. Figuring she could get into the role of being a Mistress, Makayla agreed. That's when she'd met one of the Mistress's of Medusa's Cave. Not Athena but a different one. She'd been Makayla's guide but she'd also seen how it being a dominant wasn't her. After the internship, with the glowing review from the boss her career got a boost. She's grateful for that. She's also grateful for him for showing her a way to find release- submission.

Makayla's spine straightens, her knees widening at the sound of the Mistress entering.
"Excellent positioning, Kay," praises the Mistress.
"Thank you, Mistress," mumbles Makayla, eyes still pointed to the ground as she tracks the woman's movements from her heels.

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