Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Since she doesn't have court today, Makayla's not risking the return of the killer headache so she leaves her hair out and just does her edges. She's slipping one of her usual work dresses when Mateo returns. He's patient in letting her finish before escorting her to the precinct.

The station is busy though that seems a constant. Rather than being led to Mateo's desk he takes her further down through some hallways and into an interrogation room. She looks at him with surprise and guarded hurt when he offers her a seat.
"It's just quieter to speak in here. That's all," he explains and then instructs, "hold tight. I'll go get my files and be right with you."

With little other choice, Makayla takes a seat and notes how different it feels to be in the room alone. Normally when she's in an interrogation room, she's there with her claws out ready to defend her client. This time she has to actively keep them sheathed and remind herself, they're all on the same side here. Still, it's a little difficult to relax when sat in an interrogation room though that's probably the point.

She's not waiting long though. When he returns, he does so with the files he'd been talking about and also a colleague. She's in plain clothes so Makayla realises she's definitely equal to or of a higher rank than Detective but less than Captain. Her light brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail, her suit fairly ill-fitting and her expression blank. There's no doubt the woman's a cop.

They both take a seat across from her, Mateo opening up his file while his friend assess Makayla. She bristles at the stare from the other woman but returns it with equal intensity. She doesn't understand Mateo's play here and until she does, she's not giving an inch.
"Well, are you going to make introductions?" she drawls to him.
His head shoots up and hypnotic eyes fringed with dark lashes narrow.
"This is Sargent Andrea Morena. Andrea, Makayla Summers," he mutters.

The Sargent gives her a simply nod of acknowledgement which Makayla cautiously returns.

"I thought I was here to talk about last night's attack but you're passing off my case?" Makayla asks incredulously.
"No," counters Mateo, "yes we are going to talk about last night but also because of last night...Andrea's going to officially be the lead on your case now. I've given her a short brief already to get her up to date."

She stares at him a moment while the gears in her brain start turning to click the pieces together. Realisation hits her at his meaning. Right, they slept together and even though it was only sleeping, they also kissed this morning. Having him work her file could also get sticky. She understands that if something were to happen with catching the perpetrator and Mateo made a wrong move, the entire arrest could fall apart. Certainly, if she were the criminal defence attorney she'd use their non-relationship, relationship to dismiss evidence or create reasonable doubt.

Nodding her head in concession, Makayla clarifies, "so I'll be liaising with the Sargent from now on?"
Does this mean she has to stop calling for Mateo? Of course, she'd have no excuse except the desire to see him if she has to do that which means she probably won't contact him again. Or maybe she will but only once for one-night.

"Not a chance, chica," snorts Mateo with a tilt of his lips, "Andrea's agreed to be the lead in an official sense but I'm still staying on this. I don't care if the criminal is just a kid, we're going to catch him."
"Though it's quite an escalation for a teenager or young adult to go from vandalism to stalking to holding you at gunpoint," comments the Sargent.

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