chapter 1

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It was a fantastic day the Todoroki family was waiting for the arrival of the youngest of the already very big family, enji or number 2 hero endeavor was waiting at the waiting room with his four dear children.

Here are they're ages

Touya : 12

Fuyumi: 10

Natsuo: 9

Shoot: 3

Enji who was very excited and worried, he was very happy having another child, he doesn't care what the elder ones' quirks are he loves all his children equally

It has been 5 hours that Rei was in labor, and the child was finally born the child looked like enji, after the child was born the nurse went to the waiting room and called for " family Todoroki ", endeavor and all four of his children stood up and came straight to the nurse" that would be us " , the nurse smiled " please follow me " she said, the family followed the short woman, and soon enough they arrived to Rei's hospital room, and in a crib layed a small child and in a bed near it layed a beautiful white haired lady, the children immediately ran to see there new sibling, the tall fire man on the other hand went straight to see if his wife was alright, " wow he looks cute " fuyumi said " and tiny " finished Shoto " really ? you were also tiny when you  were born, you know " touya said " yeah , but what do you think his or her name will be " natsuo asked looking at his parents, and Rei responded by " well it's a boy, and I think we should name him-" " Izuku " endeavor his wife off, " what " she said, " well I wanted to name him Izuku since my sister just lost  her life with her husband two months ago and I wanted to name the child after a name that she wanted to give the child that she was wishing to have"  " ... " Rei was glaring at the poor man who just wanted to name his son " plus you already named all of them Rei please" " Fine" ( if you're wondering what the child looks like , it's the picture up in the beginning)

____________(time skip to 1 year later) ______

The family was home Except for Rei she was out with her friends, endeavor took a day off to take care of his children and help them out in stuff like homework, or chores, enji was holding his still nonverbal 1 year old, and he was helping natsuo and fuyumi with their homework, while touya was training in the training room with Shoto watching him " hmm hey dad what's a soulmate " Fuyumi asked " yeah dad what's a soulmate " natsuo said, " well a soulmate is like a best friend but more's the only person in the world that knows how to make you feel better when you're sad , the only human on earth that would make you smile when you're down , that person you could do anything in the world for, and you'd always feel happy and comfortable with them, and I wish that in the future you all are gonna meet your soulmates, even this little sunshine ball"  enji cooed after finishing the last part " really dad !! " natsuo looked like he had stares on his eyes " well I wanna meet my soulmate in the future, and we will happily ever after, just like in the stories " fuyumi giggled at the end, it was worth a laughing Izuku, "dad sho got his quirk!!! " the heard Touya yell from the training room , they all ran to the training room to see Shoto having fire in his left while having ice in his right " wow Sho-Sho your quirk looks so cool " the two ice quirked siblings said in unison " Sho-Sho!! " a baby voice said, " did he just... " " oh my goodness zuku said his first word " " izu-chan said my name!! " " wow and I thought he would end up mute "

 " " oh my goodness zuku said his first word " " izu-chan said my name!! " " wow and I thought he would end up mute "

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This is what he'll look like until he's 14

Hope you liked the first chapter:)

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