chapter 14

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izuku has just woken up, he grunted and looked around still a bit confused over all the events that have occurred, he tried to get up, but he fell face first, his siblings ran in, izuku looked up and then started laughing, why? You may be asking, well that was because Fuyumi was holding a frying pan while as shoto was chopsticks and both their faces were full of flower, the older two looked at each other and then started laughing as well, shoto went and helped his brother, he carried him on his back carefully and the three went down and all sat in the kitchen, as if what happened the day before was nothing, that it was just a memory buried a long time ago, wouldn't it ve nice if life was this easy? No worries, just the people you care about surrounding you.

Izuku heard ringing and then he saw that his father was calling, he smiled and answered while sitting on his wheelchair, he smiled wide as he turned the camera and showed his father his siblings arguing over Apple or orange juice is better ( let me know which one you prefer) enji smiled and then he asked to speak to the whole family

Everyone was sat around the table to hear the news, " I know this is gonna ve a little hard to take in. But i have a track of where touya might be. He's still in in Japan, a friend of mine is sending me DNA of some people that i think might be him. Natsuo is working in a lab to see if any of the DNA matches with touya's " enji explained to his kids, Fuyumi and shoto were happy they'd be able to see their eldest brother again, Izuku was full of joy but a little scared, unlike his older siblings, izuku didn't really get to spend much time with touya, he regretted that, but now he was glad that he'd have a chance to hangout with him.

______(with dabi{dobby} in his house)____

⚠️might contain some NSFW stuff, and there's gonna be mentions on rape and torture here so I apologize in advance ⚠️

" I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE GONNA GET CAUGHT!!" yelled a blue haired man " YOU THINK I WAS JUST GONNA SIT BACK AND WATCH THOSE LOW LIVES MISTREAT MY BROTHER ?!" dabi yelled at him " shigaraki calm down, dabi just wanted to-" a girl with buns on her head tried to say " I DON'T CARE, HE'S ONE OF ENDEAVOR'S KIDS, HE HAS THE POWER TO DO WHATEVER HE WANTS " the man also known as shigaraki yelled " THIS ISN'T LIKE YOU AT ALL, YOU'VE CHANGED. AND FOR THE WORST TOO, YOU THINK AUNTY WOULD BE HAPPY TO SEE YOU DOWN THIS PATH? HUH!? TELL ME! TELL ME TENKO" Dabi yelled back, shigaraki was worried by the name he was just called he frowned and then looked at dabi " OH SO I'M THE ONE GETTING BLAMED NOW? OH PLEASE ! IF YOUR FATHER SAW YOU RIGHT NOW HE'D BE AS MAD AS MA WOULD OF BEEN TOUYA, AND WHAT ABOUT YOUR SIBLINGS, IF THEY FIND OUT THEN THEY'LL HATE YOU TOUYA" shigaraki yelled, dabi started having blood leaking out of the burns " I ONLY DID THIS SO DAD COULD SEE THAT THAT WOMAN WAS NOTHING BUT A BITCH, I WASN'T GONNA STAY HERE FOR THIS LONG, I THOUGHT YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD UNDERSTAND " dabi yelled as he activated his quirk " OH I UNDERSTAND, I HAD TO FOLLOW YOU MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD, BUT WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU WHEN I WAS GETTING TORTURED AND RAPED, OH YOU WERE SOMEWHERE HIDDEN GIVING SORROW TO YOUR FAMILY " shigaraki yelled, dabi just looked at shigaraki and went to sit outside, twice and toga who were with them looked at each other, because it wasn't every day that those two fought, and this time they used names they never heard of, toga went to see dabi while twice stayed with shigaraki.

" what's all this about, you suddenly caring abt some dumb middle schooler and then fighting with your best friend, and then here you are bleeding which looks more like crying or whatever, this isn't the dabi that I know. " toga said as she sat on the floor next to him, dabi just stared at the flowers and sighed "i just miss my family, I still love them okay. When I left and burned the house down, I only intended to go missing, I never meant to bury touya. I only wanted to disappear, wait a little and then come back, but ten years later and here I am a villain named after my quirk, and not knowing what to do, I never intended it too look like I wanted to kill myself, I missed out on most of my younget siblings' childhoods, and I wish I were a better big brother to them okay. Being the one mother cut the most made me happy, because at least my brothers and sister were safe, whenever she'd use her ice on me I'd smile knowing my siblings are safe, but the moment I leave, she fucking stabs the youngest, makes the second youngest half blind, and then the third youngest can barely even make friends without being scared for his life, while her only daughter could barely even be a kid." Dabi ranted out crying, toga stayed quiet " I wanna go home, I wanna dress up as Harry Potter characters with my siblings again, I wanna write fake letters, I wanna play castle with them again, I know I'm old enough to have a real fucking job, but missing out on this shit is what broke me the most, I don't blame crusty for his reaction, but can you blame me?.." dabi said finally looking at toga. She was crying a little too, she just scooted near him and hugged him as he cried

Shigaraki who just wanted to talk to dabi about the fight, he overheard the conversation and just went and joined their hug with twice behind him

⚠️ end of TW ⚠️

( WAZZUP LIL PEEPS HOW'S EVERYBODY DOING!! so I hope you like this, imma try to add more next time cuz I feel like I could do better, but really I hope you guys like it, and I hope everyone has a good day/evening/noon/night)

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