Learning something new

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It was late at night when I got the chance to sneak out without being noticed by Jacob, who was still sleeping soundly. I had mind link Micah to meet me, so I could talk to him about something important. It was hard for him to get away from Landon, but at least he succeeded. Now, here we are in another empty room, having that talk as I was freaking out. Forget about my previous bravery, I only said those things because I knew how this was essential to Jacob, but losing my virginity had my heart beating so fast that I thought I was going to pass out.

“Um, maybe we can look it up.” Micah said while scratching the back of his neck.

“What do you mean by looking it up?” I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“I don't know porn?” He replied, and I almost choked.

“Uh, I'm not sure about that, but ok, let's try it.” I don't even know how that's going to work, but I needed to know whether it was painful or not.

“Wow, that man is digging into it like it's his last meal or something.” Micah said, and I blushed from the way they were going at it.

“What the hell is that thing?” I asked while pointing at a small bottle that was in the man's hand.

“Look like some sort of liquid, but what is he going to do with it? Holy moly asshole!” Micah shouted while cringing and covering his eyes.

“The things I do because I love you.” I shook my head and cleared my throat as I tried my best to concentrate on what was going on. I wasn't even turned on by it, as weird as that was, but when Jacob touched me, I felt like I was going to explode.

“At least he's using a condom, which is a plus, so make sure Jacob wraps it up. By the way, we need to get some from Dr. Carlyle in the morning.” I nodded my head because it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Remember when we used to practice kissing?” He asked, and I groaned.

“I still can't believe I did that. What was I thinking?” I shook my head and shivered a little, pretending to be disgusted by the thought.

“Oh my god, his thing is huge!” I narrowed my eyes at how Micah was taking this and started laughing. That's how Jacob and Landon found us, and believe me. They were really mad.

“Porn? You guys left your bed to watch porn?” Landon asked as he snatched the phone away from Micah.

“How else are we supposed to learn captain obvious?” I chuckled at Micah and earned a glare from Jacob.

“You know, if you wanted tips, all you had to do was ask instead of sneaking out and scaring the crap out of me!” Jacob shouted, and I flinched.

“Hey, don't talk to him like that!” Micah shouted as I got close to him to shield myself from Jacob's wrath.

“Or we could have done it to each other, wouldn't that be better?” I glanced at Micah and sent him a mind link to tell him to shut up because he was digging a deeper hole for the both of us, and we were in serious trouble here.

“He didn't mean it, Landon, so stop looking at him like that.” I said, and Landon looked down instead.

“Come on, I'll take you back to our room.” Jacob grabbed my hand and started pulling me out the door as I was struggling against his hold.

“But it was getting to the good part. I wanted to see how he was going to fit that large di....” One look from Him had me closing my mouth and looking down.

"You go to school, so you should have learned something in sex Ed.” He said, and I shook my head.

“I think my teacher was a homophobic asswhipe. She didn't teach us anything about same sex, so I have no idea what to do.” He sighed and opened the door, then pulled me inside and threw me on the bed.

“Sleep now. We'll talk about this in the morning.” I started batting my eyes at him, and he looked at me like I was crazy.

“No good night kiss?” I asked, and he shook his head and got in bed next to me.

“No, and that's your punishment now. Go to sleep now.” I grumbled and pulled the cover over me and decided to move as far away as I could from him. Yeah, that's his punishment.
In the morning, when I woke up, I found myself tangled up with Jacob, and I rolled my eyes. So much for punishing him. My arm and leg were around his waist, and my head snuggled up against his neck as I was pinning him down. He was basically in the same position as I am, and I scoffed.

'Sucks to be you.' Snow said, and I asked him to shut up.

'Hey, I could take over, and you know I won't hesitate to make him ours, if you know what I mean. Now go take a shower and brush your teeth before he wakes up. You probably stink.' I growled at the insult, but secretly checked myself to see if it was true.

It was hard to free myself from Jacob, but at least I did it, so now I was doing what snow suggested. After I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist and then started cursing as I realized I had no clothes here. I had to go to my room and get something to wear, so that's what I did. When I was done, I went to get some breakfast since I was feeling a bit hungry and saw Micah there eating with his head down or more like playing with his food.

“Are you ok?” I asked after I walked up to him. He looked up at me and nodded his head and started eating, I wondered what that was about. I sat next to him after getting my breakfast, and he sighed.

“Landon is trying to make me stop seeing you, but that will never happen in a million years because you are my best friend. We got into a fight because last night, and he left, so I haven't seen him all night, which is good because I can't stand him.” I could tell he was lying, but I didn't call him out on it.

“What the hell is his problem anyway? We got in worse trouble than this before, and my brothers didn't try to keep us apart, so if Landon thinks he's going to, then he has another thing coming.” He looked at me and nodded his head with a smile on his face as we fists bumped each other. No one was going to come between us. I'll make sure of it.

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