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(This is the end of the story, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading)


I started crying when I realized what Jacob did for me, what he and my sisters-in-law did. I couldn't stay mad at Sophia and lex for too long, so I forgave them. We were all hanging out, but it was still too late, so they decided to call it a night and left.

I was unable to sleep, though, because I was constantly checking on my pups to make sure they were alright. After checking on them for like the tenth time that night, Jacob finally pulled me away, so I could leave them to sleep in peace.

“There's a baby monitor there for a reason, love, stop stressing so much.” I pouted as I got in the bath with him that he started for us.

“Just relax and enjoy the silence for now. You know how it's going to be from now on.” I nodded my head and leaned against his chest as he began massaging my shoulders.

I moaned from the feeling of it getting turned on a bit, which wasn't right since I had just had a c section and shouldn't be thinking about sex, but I was and there was nothing I could do about it. Just one touch from my mate had my knees weak with pleasure, so I did the unthinkable and took his now hardened shaft in my hand and positioned myself on it.

“L-love, what are you doing?” Jacob asked as he dropped his head on my shoulders.

“Don't cum, I just want to feel it.” He nodded his head as I started grinding my hips on him.

He grabbed my waist and pushed forward, allowing me to feel all of him. I was a moaning mess as he helped me ride him.

We were only going at it for a few minutes until he asked me to stop because he didn't want to do something we'll both regret later, so I stopped. Didn't mean I was happy about it, though.

“We can have all the sex you want, just not here and when I'm wearing a condom.” I nodded my head and sighed while thinking about what my life was going to be like from now on.

“I wish I had known you when you were younger. I would have loved to see what you looked like.” Jacob said and I chuckled.

“You wouldn't want to know me, I was a monster back then.” He wanted me to tell him what I did that was so bad, so I started talking.

“Micah and I were inseparable, you wouldn't see one without the other. Some would say we were going to end up being mates, but we knew that wasn't true, and we have come to terms with it. When we were at school, everyone wanted to be my friend, but Micah got jealous. Especially of this guy Shilo who wouldn't stop bothering me. So one morning before our first period began, Micah got some chocolate and pasted it all over Shilo's seat. He didn't notice it and sat down. For the rest of the morning, he was walking around with stained pants and everyone thought he had shit himself. I found it funny and took his picture, putting it on my Facebook page, but I felt bad and took it down once I saw Shilo in tears.” Jacob made a tsking sound and I could tell he was disappointed in me.

“Micah and I got into plenty of fights too, but that didn't stop us from being best friends. My brothers had to watch us just to make sure we didn't get hurt because they thought we were feeble and needed constant care. We pulled pranks on the pack members and acted innocent when they found out it was us. We once blamed an incident on Jasper after a pup was crying when I gave him a sour patch to eat, but Jasper didn't give us away and took the blame.” He was laughing by the time I was done telling him my stories. I had plenty more to tell him too, but that was going to wait until another day.

“Wow, now I see why your family had to be so overprotective of you. You've gone and done things that could harm you, all for the sake of a prank.” I shrugged my shoulders as we got out of the water after it was starting to get cold and grabbed a towel.

“I'm going to brush my teeth, then we can get back in bed. Hopefully, the pups don't wake up because I'm tired as hell.” I was looking at Jacob with lust in my eyes, and he finally caught on to what I was talking about.

“Gosh, why can't we just cuddle and talk?” He asked in an irritated tone, but I could sense his arousal, so I knew he was just as turned on as I was. No use denying it though because I was going to get what I wanted even if I had to take it from him.

“Let me top you.” I whispered as I started kissing his neck. We have migrated to the bed after using the bathroom, and now I was on top of him, naked and trying to get my way.

“Ok, ok, do what you must.” I smiled and nodded my head as I got the things I needed to prep him.

I know he won't be able to get pregnant, but I'll still use a condom just in case. I spent the rest of the time pleasuring my mate, who was shaking and moaning as he came over and over.

I was spent, I couldn't even move, but I had to get cleaned up and get him cleaned up as well. After that, I went back to cuddling with him while we lay there intertwining our fingers together.

We didn't fall asleep because we were just too pumped up with energy and ready to go to our pups just in case they started crying. It was six in the morning when we got up and went to check on our pups after hearing their cries.

We fed them and took our time bathing them since we had to be careful. Micah was here with Malachi, who wanted to see them too.

They were excited and didn't want to leave, but I was glad to get the extra help since Jacob had to leave once more. My parents and siblings were here too, taking turns watching them for me, so I could spend some time with Micah. Even Claire and Jeremiah came to visit as well, which was exciting.

Turns out, Jeremiah was mated to Benjamin and Claire was mated to Ronald. They had to stay here with us because Benjamin and Ronald didn't want them out of their sight.

“It's all over now, isn't it?” Micah asked as we sat on a branch in a tree while no one knew where we were and what we were doing since we snuck away from them after my family volunteered to watch the pups.

“I guess so, but it's up to us to continue on with our lives. It's like we are In a story or something and people are reading about us, I feel violated.” Micah chuckled and shook his head.

“Yeah as if anyone would want to read about us, we are too boring for them, plus we would know if all eyes were on us.” I nodded my head and leaned against him, making sure to balance myself, so we didn't fall.

“I love you Micah, remember that.” He nodded his head and kissed me on my forehead while playing with my hair.

“And I love you too, thank you for being my friend.” We spent the rest of the time talking about how lucky we are, knowing our lives were finally completed.

(The end)

(Author's note)

Head on over to part two, it's call Micah. More updates are on the way!

Thanks so much for reading.

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