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"I do not like zis, Bruder," Veronika said uncertainly as she and Leeson walked through Safe Haven's sewage system, the former virtually unaffected by the wounds B1 had given her. "Ze Saved do not 'postpone' Purges."

"On the contrary, my dear, we've done it several times," Leeson corrected her. "Even the Guiding Light herself had to call off a few when certain circumstances interfered with her plans. You will quickly learn that it is best to run, to hide, to live to fight another day, than to die, unable to ever carry out a Purge ever again."

"Ja, Bruder."


At the almost inaudible sound, Veronika and Leeson—both possessing highly sensitive ears—froze momentarily and looked over their shoulders, surprise written all over their faces.

B2 had just come around the corner behind them, her altered eyes glowing ominously as she gripped the wall with her three-clawed hand. "Found you," she said in a low voice, smirking as her words echoed through the tunnels.

"Leeson?" Veronika asked quietly.

"Hold, Devourer," Leeson replied, his voice just as quiet.

"But zese pipes are filled vis mesane," Veronika protested in a hiss. "She could destroy zis entire tunnel system vis a single flame! Ve vouldn't stand a chance!"

"Hold, Devourer!" Leeson repeated through gritted teeth. "She won't risk compromising the haven's entire sewage system for two Crusaders!"

B2 laughed weakly, rounding the corner fully and continuing to lean on the wall. "He's right. I won't," she confirmed. "We're gonna finish this fight the old-fashioned way."

Veronika laughed as well, although hers wasn't nearly as weak. "Oh, ja? On zat broken leg of yours?"

"Funny thing about that, actually. See, there's this one movie..." B2 trailed off, raising her broken leg in the air and holding it bent as the knee while she lifted her hands in a traditional kung-fu "crane style" stance.

"Ah, yes. Ze 'Karate Kid'. I vatched it on ze internet once." Veronika assumed a "tiger style" kung-fu stance, smirking. "Ze ending vas, in my opinion... unrealistic."

       Alexis deftly swept Veronika's attacks aside with her hands and her good leg

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Alexis deftly swept Veronika's attacks aside with her hands and her good leg. Unfortunately, each time she used her good leg to block, she was forced to put weight on her broken one, causing sheer agony to make spots swim before her eyes. The Brother's presence wasn't helping, either, as he attacked simultaneously with Veronika. I can't keep this up for long, Alexis thought, grimacing. I have to distract them somehow... wait for backup...

Then she bit back a curse. No... d----t! My comm's probably still jammed. Xirxine won't be able to trace my signal! I'm on my own!

Alexis scowled and thrust her arms forward, hopping backward on one foot as she sent two mild blasts of energy into Veronika and the Brother's armoured chests. They skidded backward, their boots kicking up dirty water, but managed to stay on their feet. "Oh-ho-ho! Taking some risks, are we?" the Brother sneered. "Shame on you for pretending to be a hero, sinner."

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