Inviting The Virgin (43)

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"Well besides you who else would Nancy be scared of? If we are going to trace it back we need to get answers out of her." Mimi's face was full of doubt.

            "We do have a last resort and she isn't afraid of him. I think she likes him enough that we'd be able to get answers if the questions come from his mouth," I told them our plan knowing that it would be a valid option.

            "I don't think its questions Nancy wants from Zack's mouth," Mimi snickered.

             My hand instantly smacked her arm—"I'm well aware of what Nancy wants from Zack. I need to know something from Nancy. If Carter won't tell me what's going on she is my only other option." Jordan gave me a sympathetic look while I gritted my teeth.

            "Just remember that bitch gets two for flinching when she sees you." Mimi had on her bitch face. The same one I slapped off Nancy's.

            "I'll let you know if she does," I half smiled at the thought.

            "What do you mean you'll let us know?" Jordan stuttered.

            "You guys aren't coming. I can't let anyone else watch this and I'm going to say somethings that I don't want anyone else to hear," I attempted to defend my decision.

            "Wait,"—Mimi put her hands to stop me from speaking—"You are just trying to sweep your dirty laundry under the bed. We saw you're reaction to the tape. If Stella is on it than so are you." She was insisting on me letting her see it but there was no way I would.

            "Over my dead body," I hissed at her.

            "I know how tempting it must be to want to know who has whose dirty laundry but I'm not going to be the bitch that is responsible for all of this leaking. Maybe if you hadn't thrown whatever friendship we had down the toilet I would have trusted you with something like this." My lips pursed together.

            "Maybe I wouldn't be such a bitch if you didn't push me in the pool." She raised her voice knowing that no one could hear us.

            All three of us were constantly looking over our shoulders, dodging the crowds and for the majority of the time speaking in hushed tones.

            "Shut up both of you," Jordan all but put her hands over our mouths to stop us from the argument heading this way.

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