The Battle of Starcourt (Part 5)

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Nikki stood next to Lucas as the watched Nancy and Jonathon fumble around, looking for what they needed to get the car started. She had planned to go talk to El when she had fixed the car situation, however, Max and Mike beat her to it. So, she just decided to wait until they were done to help her sister with whatever was going on with her powers.

"That was awesome," Lucas spoke to her quietly, getting her to turn away from Nancy and Jonathon to look at his proud expression.

Nikki had managed to get out a smile and a quick laugh before the pit in her stomach deepened.

Lucas noticed the smile melting off her face as she turned to Will who had his hand cover the back off his neck.

A rumbling sound came from the distance, making all the kids look up at the glass ceiling.

The sound of footsteps got closer to them, making the mall shaking under their feet.

Nikki grabbed Lucas' hand pulled him behind her as glass from the ceiling crackled, threatening to break.

"Nancy!" Mike yelled from the other side of the mall as Nikki tightened her grip on Lucas and got ahold of Will's hand, forcing them behind the car for protection.

Nancy and Jonathon joined them as the ceiling shattered and the monster roared, ready to battle.

The monster was way bigger than she remembered at the cabin, where she had to wonder how many new souls have been added to it within the pat few hours.

She wanted to do something that could kill it, but memories of her trying everything in the cabin and it not being affected kept her in her spot. They had to wait for Hopper to close the gate.

Hopefully, they'll still be alive by then.

Griswo...oops troo...copy, over, Mike's radio fazed in and out, making Nikki cringe.

Please, don't let Mike have it with him, Nikki pleaded.

She silently peaked over the edge of the car to see if she could spot where the radio was.

Griswold Family, the radio spoke clearly with Dustin's voice, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you-

The Mind Flayer grabbed the radio that rest on the bench and screamed into it as a response before throwing it towards the car, getting Nikki to duck down.

Please confirm your safety! The radio continued to yell. Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety!

If we aren't responding, then that should mean we aren't safe! Nikki wanted to yell as Dustin continued. She looked over at the rest of the groups terrified faces, she needed to find away to get them out safely.

The monster started to move away from them and towards the other end of the mall, getting Nikki's heart to race even more, thinking it spotted El, Max and Mike.

It paused for a second before letting out a roar and continuing to walk around the mall, making shaking under each step.

Nikki looked around wondering what closest way out could be. The only place she could find was the through the nearest restaurant. It was a long way to it and she doubted that monster wouldn't be looking away from them for that long.

Nikki tried to think of a way to distract the monster, but a loud clang and scream pulled her away from her thoughts and made her heart race.

The monster roared as Nikki once again peaked over the car to see the monster facing away from them and towards the Gap. She heard some rustling from the store and knew El, Mike and Max were in there trying to escape.

Nikki had no idea how to help her friends as she watched an arm of the monster reach into the store.

She turned to Lucas who was looking at her with same worried expression "What do I do?" She asked.

Lucas joined her in looking over the car, analyzing the situation the were in.

The monster screeched and grabbed a mannequin that was dressed in the same clothes as El before tossing it away and continuing to look for the girl.

"I got it," Lucas whispered as he went to his backpack and pulled out his wrist rocket. He got a rock and started to aim it at the monster.

"Lucas," Nikki tried to stop him. She didn't even need to listen to her gut to know that hitting the Mind Flayer with a rock would be helpful.

"Trust me," he said, moving his arm so he was aiming at a bunch of balloons. "You may want to duck."

Nikki went back to her hiding place as Lucas released the rock, popping one of the balloons loudly. He ducked back down as the monster started to move towards the noise, leaving her friends alone.

Jonathon looked over the car to check if the monster was still turned away from them before motioning to leave. "Go, go, go, go!" he said as they got up and ran to the nearest exit. They ran through the back hallways until they were finally outside the mall.

Nikki, Lucas, Will, Nancy and Jonathon ran to the car. The kids started to get in as Nancy and Jonathon tried to fix it quickly. Nikki had just closed the door behind them when a car engine started to rev, again.

Billy's car stared them down, trying to threaten them to go back inside.

Jonathon got in the driver's seat, fumbling to get the keys into the ignition.

Nikki looked out her window to see Nancy standing towards Billy's car with a gun pointed at it. Whatever idea Nancy had, Nikki did not like it. She liked it even less when his car started moving, gaining speed, heading right to Nancy and the car.

"She's going to get killed," Nikki said, opening her car door, getting out. The engine sputtered as Nancy pulled the trigger, once. Twice. The car kept coming. Nancy kept shooting as Nikki formed a blue orb.

As she was about to throw it, another car knocked Billy's off his path. Both of the cars turned around on the impact and finally stopped.

Nikki looked to see who was driving the other car and noticed Steve and Robin sitting up front looking as shock to be alive as the rest.

Billy's car lit on fire as Nikki noticed he was now conscience.

A loud roar interrupted the stunned silence among the group. The all looked up at saw the monster crawling on the roof at the mall, very much knowing where they are.

Jonathon honked the horn, telling everyone to get in. Nikki got back in her seat as Nancy, Steve and Robin found theirs quickly before Jonathon stepped on the gas pedal, zooming down the empty highway as the monster chased them.

"A car on fire," Lucas muttered after a brief silence. Nikki tore her eyes away from the monster, looking back to him as her remembered what she told him earlier that night. "Someone was in it."

The picture ran across her mind, it looked exactly the way she had first seen it.

"Nikki, what else is going to happen tonight?"

Nikki shook her head, trying to make sense of everything she had seen. "I'm not sure."

Authors note

I'm barely half way through the last episode and I'm about go write part 6. This is going to be interesting on how many parts I write for this.

Love ya!!❤️❤️❤️

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