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Sumiko PoV, age 6

"8...9...10, Ready or not here I come!" Sasuke yelled. Itachi and I were currently hiding in a high tree and I was holding onto Itachi's back as he was holding me up. We laughed quietly as Sasuke passed right under the tree we were hiding in. After a a few minutes we here Sasuke.

"Alright! I give up! Where are you guys!?" Sasuke yells, looking around for us.

Itachi, with me still on his back, jumps down from the tree behind Sasuke.

"We win!" I say laughing as I get off Itachi's back and Sasuke pouted.

"Well it's not fair because I couldn't see you" he says crossing his arms.

"Well, we still won. Haha" I say teasingly as I give Sasuke a hug.

Sasuke tried not to smile but failed since he can never stay mad at me. I turn around to Itachi and see him looking at us sadly. He quickly smiles.

"Alright, it's time to get home" he says.

Sasuke and I whine in protest.

"But we're not done playing with you. And your going on a mission with Shisui in the morning" I say. Itachi poked our foreheads and then picked us up.

"Sorry you two but mom and dad wanted you home around this time" Itachi says smiling apologetically.

We get home and dad calls me into the living room.

"Yes daddy?" I ask politely. He smiles slightly at me.

"I think it's time we saw if you were able to do the great fire ball jutsu" he says. My eyes widen.

"But Sasuke hasn't learned yet? Why can't we learn it together?" I ask.

"I just think that your ready" dad says getting up and walking outside. I follow him.

He demonstrates how to do it and them stands aside for me to do it. I quickly do the hand signs and blow a huge fire ball. I turn around towards dad to see him smiling proudly.

"What I expected from my daughter" and with that he turns around back to the house.

Time Skip

It's late at night and everyone's asleep.
I couldn't fall asleep though because seeing Itachi's sad expression earlier was still bugging me.

'Im sure he's still awake, I'm gonna go talk to him'

I get up from my bed and tip toe quietly out of the room that I shared with Sasuke. I get to Itachi's room and quietly open the door. I see Itachi sitting at the window looking at at the starry sky.

"What is it Sumiko?" Itachi asks without looking at me. I close his door and walk to him. I sit next to him and he looks at me.

"Why were you sad earlier today? When Sasuke and I were happy you were sad. Why did you look so sad?" I ask him softly.

He looks away and waits a few moment before he speaks.

"I've just had a hard time lately, that's all. And I'm better now so you don't have to worry" he says, obviously lying, and forcing a smile.

I knew Itachi well enough to know when he was lying or telling the truth and this time he was lying. I frown at him.

"Why are you lying? It's not a nice thing to do and I know you enough to tell when your lying"I say. He sighs and grimaces sadly as his head slumps down slightly.

"Why do you have to know me so well" he says barely above a whisper.

"You have to tell me. I don't like not knowing what's making you sad. I want to help make you feel better" I say smiling at him.

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