Chapter 12

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Two days later, Hiccup still wound the name 'Mercedes' over his lips, attempting to get used to the unfamiliar accented lit that Elsa said it with. She had attempted to explain the plot to him, but many of the things in the book were not created yet, so she often was going back and explaining key details and in the end, she was pretty sure it was a lost cause.

Hiccup found it slightly interesting, but he could tell that even when he restrained his questions, his face said it all and she was loosing in her interest in making him understand her name choice.

That day, bright and sunny as it was, Ophelia was out with Valka before visiting the school the next morning. She wasn't starting, but perhaps, Elsa had budged a little. She wanted to see how Ophelia reacted to a sit-in, and if it went well, she would more formally consider it as an option. Now, it was just herself and Hiccup sitting at the table, chewing on their food. She watched as Hiccup mouthed 'Mercedes', but once again stumbled where she put the second accented 'e' into her speech. He didn't even realize he was doing it, and she found that a little adorable.

"Trying to master my dragon's name?" She teased slightly, stirring her food around in the bowl.

"Are you a virgin?"

The question literally came from nowhere, and Elsa's whole face turned bright red altogether. She dropped her spoon, and sputtered.

"What kind of a question is that?" She demanded hotly, fishing for her dropped utensil.

"Snoutlout asked. I mean, it's common for women to be maidens when they are first married. If you weren't, I could hardly judge, but I-,"

"You cannot ask a women that, Hiccup!" Elsa cried, completely mortified.

"So…is that a no, from your reaction." He asked more strategically, narrowing his eyes with thought.

"Hiccup." Elsa took a deep breath, "Not that it is any of your concern, but I am. Either way, that is not a question you go around asking so blatantly at our lunch table." She said evenly, a darkening fire beneath her eyes. He noticed that she had sat on her hands, an odd gesture, and her whole body shook.

"So…it was bad of me to ask that?" He had been honestly curious! Not in a sexy, weird way, but in a 'hey let's get to know each other way'. He figured he'd just start with a hard one, so that nothing would feel awkward. Obviously, his plans had failed.

A spoon came flying at his head. He dodged it, and saw that Elsa was now one utensil short. She could have thrown the knife, he reasoned.

"Yes, quite." She replied, although the spoon may have spoken for itself.

"You know, I think Astrid taught me a couple about what not to ask, like the time of the month thing, but I guess I never asked her that." He mused, and Elsa shot him a dirty look.

"At least she was good for something," She hissed sourly.

"But I really have to ask; that outburst two days ago. It was so unlike you…" He twiddled his thumbs, "Was it your time of the month?"

This time, it was the knife that sailed his way. He dodged that too, and it stuck itself into the wood behind him.

"Pretty good arm." He laughed nervously, and realized that that too was an inappropriate question. They sat in silence for a while, then Elsa sighed, leaning her elbows on the table.

"Actually, I apologize, because I may have a question with just as great of inappropriateness." She admitted.

"And?" He questioned.

"Our wedding night…" She began, but trailed off. Hiccup gave her a curious look.

"Well, it is between us, and not an uncommon thing. I can't imagine any question about that being awkward." Elsa had only begun to realize how blasé sex and reproduction was here, in comparison to the very hush-hush and horrified looks when someone so broadly talked about such things. And it was hardly polite for a lady to ever even begin to think such rancid thoughts! But here it seemed most women were so very open, and it was just a 'fact of life' as Camacazi had put it. She was preparing for her own chief ceremony, and was quite nervous, although resigned.

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