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Anonymous (4 hours ago)

i met elizabeth madrid in a cousin's wedding.

Saucy_Social1 (4 hours ago)

Pic or you're a liar.

Anonymous (4 hours ago)

what's the point we know she's going to be dropped by christmas anyway

Anonymous (3.5 hours ago)

no one else thinks it's fishy that c-bitch loses her engagement ring and then makes a jewelry heiress her bff?

Anonymous (3.5 hours ago)

oh my god i just came back from a trip and i'm not updated—c lost her ring? my tita told me someone was selling it to her a few months ago! before or after?

Anonymous (3.5 hours ago)

if i know c, she's the one selling it. she has expensive habits.

Anonymous (3.5 hours ago)

then that explains new bff jewelry heiress nyahahahahaha

Anonymous (3.5 hours ago)

You people are so mean to C. What did she do to you? It's so sad that her priceless Sandoval ring got stolen. And she can't sell it anyway, wouldn't the Sandovals just want it back?

Saucy_Social1 (3.5 hours ago)

Is that you, Chrysalis? Get out of my blog.

Anonymous (3.5 hours ago)

maybe the sandovals were the ones buying it back. confirm?

Anonymous (3 hours ago)

why would they buy it back? they own it. they have lawyers in the family right? they should just sue her to give it back.

Anonymous (3 hours ago)

It was a gift. Sandoval family is classy, they won't buy back a gift.

Anonymous (3 hours ago)

are you in mars? stephen is family black sheep. family not as classy as before.

Anonymous (3 hours ago)

I can confirm that Chrysalis is trying to sell the ring. It was never stolen. She met Elizabeth "by chance" at a party in Singapore. And now they're best friends and last night at AR she gave C a ring that looks exactly like the Sandoval ring.

Anonymous (3 hours ago)

gad! is c returning a fake to the sandoval family? she's so cheeeeap!

Anonymous (3 hours ago)

No one said she was returning anything to the Sandovals. C-bitch probably selling 2 of the same ring! Double the drugs!

Saucy_Social1 (3 hours ago)

My sources say that C and E were at AR just a few hours ago. How do you know about the lookalike ring? PM me!

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