Chapter III - Meeting Under the Portrait of the Fat Lady

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"All right then, follow me," said Hagrid and showed Arthur and Merlin out.

The warlock sighed at the thought that they were going to wander up and down those terrible stairs again. He was already tired and all he wanted at that time was to find himself back in Camelot, in Gaius' chambers where he had his room and his bed. He looked around. He couldn't remember any kingdom like this in Albion. The castle, as the giant called it — Hogwarts, was very magical as if it came from another world. Merlin started to analyse the spell he had said to save Arthur. What could go wrong? Suddenly, Hagrid's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"It's here," said Hagrid. They looked up.

They stood in front of a huge painting on which was a plump woman wearing a nice dress. She looked at Arthur and Merlin first and then at Hagrid.

"What're you looking for here, Rubeus?" she asked in a dignified tone.

"The Headmaster told me ter bring 'em to the Gryffindor common room," he nodded at them.

"Well, they have to tell me the password."

"But these two are not students."

"That's the rules," the Fat Lady said calmly.

Hagrid nodded slightly and scratched the back of his head. "So… there's no other way, yeh have to wait here fer someone ter let you in," he said, turning to Arthur and Merlin.

"Wait? How long?" the king asked.

"I don' know," Hagrid shrugged his shoulders and walked away without saying anything else.

"Wait!" Arthur screamed after him but the giant had already gone off down the stairs.

"We have to wait, Arthur. Not him," said Merlin, staring at the painting of the Fat Lady.

"What are you looking at?" the woman's voice sounded a little bit irritated now. The warlock shook his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I'm just wondering… are you the door?"

"Excuse me?" she made a high-pitched noise. "Are you saying I'm…"

"No, no, no," said Merlin quickly. "That's not what I meant…"

"I apologise for my friend here," Arthur interrupted. "He has no idea how to behave towards women or a certain prince. For example, he insults me all the time."

"You're one to talk!" the warlock turned to him.

"And who's constantly saying I'm fat?"

They stopped their argument as they heard footsteps approaching. Soon they saw three young people in the black robes walking over to them. They frowned at Arthur and Merlin and then exchanged glances with each other. The boy with ginger hair began to giggle under his breath. Arthur caught it immediately and gave him a murderous glare. The boy instantly became serious as Arthur's reaction at that point reminded him of the expression on Draco Malfoy's face as he laughed at his stupid-sounding name.

"Could you, please, move?" snarled the one with the glasses ignoring their unusual clothes.

"Harry, don't be so rude," said the girl standing next to him.

"Yeah, she's got a point," Arthur stated.

"All I want now is to get myself shut in the dormitory and they're blocking the way," Harry replied angrily.

"I am really sorry for him," Hermione sighed. "We just had potions class, and Snape really has it in for him today."

"Whatever," he murmured and pushed past them. He said the password and disappeared behind the portrait.

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