Chapter V - Charming Servant

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Merlin, Arthur and their three new friends walked out from the dungeon and headed towards the great hall. Their stomachs rumbled terribly because they hadn't eaten since the morning. Halfway, Hermione stated that she's going to the library and will join them later.

"This Snape, is he always so mean?" Arthur asked when they were squeezing through the crowded corridor.

"Towards me? Always," Harry replied. "When it comes to you both I think he wanted to show you where you belong."

"Why is he like that?"

"It is said that he's been hunting for a post of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for years, but Dumbledore still refuses him," said Ron.

They all fell silent because they've already entered the great hall. Arthur and Merlin looked at everything with amazement. In the air were floating some lit candles. The king wasn't sure whether he may touch one of them or not, but finally a big smile appeared on his face when the pushed candle flew away swaying slightly. There were also four wooden tables and their length was almost the same as the length of the hall. At the end of the room, on the dais, stood another table at which were sitting a few people facing the entrance. They were probably teachers because among them was Dumbledore.

"He was going to be very busy, and yet he sits here enjoying a small talk with the others!" Arthur looked indignant.

Harry and Ron shrugged their shoulders. Merlin didn't say anything, he was just staring at the ceiling which looked like a beautiful cloudy sky. He almost tripped but Arthur was quick enough to catch him.

"Oh, no…," Ron groaned. "What does he want this time?"

In the place where they were about to sit, Draco Malfoy was leaning against Gryffindor's table. Behind him were his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. Merlin recognised in him the boy who was staring at him and Arthur almost the whole time in potions class.

"Hey!" Malfoy exclaimed to them.

"Shove off, Malfoy," snarled Ron.

"Not so harsh, Weasley," said Malfoy. "I was talking to them," he pointed towards Arthur.

"Me?" the king asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, you. And to your friend," Malfoy glanced at Merlin. "I'm Draco Malfoy, and these are my friends, Crabbe and Goyle. Rumours travel very fast. They say you're the king Arthur and Merlin the wizard, and that you've jumped from the Middle Ages. And I can see that you've barely made it to the future and you've already managed to mate with someone like them." the boy said, giving, specifically Ron, a superior look.

"Middle Ages?" Merlin and Arthur said unisono and looked at each other.

"Never heard of that?" Malfoy raised his eyebrows. "So you don't even know what time you're from?" he laughed, and Crabbe and Goyle cackled.

"No wonder you hang out with them. Water finds its level," Malfoy smirked. Ron clenched his hands into fists in anger. Merlin and Arthur still were staring at the blond boy blankly.

Draco sighed and shook his head with disbelief of how people can be so stupid. "I really doubt you really are the king Arthur and Merlin… Middle Ages, you know… the time when people couldn't read."

"But we can read," Arthur seemed insulted.

"Thank at least for that," said Malfoy.

At this moment Dumbledore's voice sounded in the hall announcing that there is time for a feast. Malfoy shot them a glance and walked away with Crabbe and Goyle to Slytherin's table. Merlin and Arthur took their places across from Harry and Ron. On silver plates, loads of different looking delicious food and snacks magically appeared. Arthur's eyes widened to the size of golf balls when he saw all of this. He didn't know what to eat first, but then he remembered that Merlin could choose for him.

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