Chapter 13

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Hiiii guys new chapter is here!!! 

I'm so sorry but I had so much work for school and no time and motivation for writing  :( 

But I'm here and I hope you will enjoy this chapter <3 


awfultune-Lvr Boy

I used to get on my knees
And I'd pray for love
To come find me someday
For love to come meet me my way
Your love hit like a brick to the face
And when I put up a fight
You put me back in my place


Louis hears knocking on his office doors. " Yes love, come in I told you that you don't have to knock."

"Louis, I didn't know you love me that much to call me love without sarcasm." Oh, so it's not Harry it's Niall, what a wonderful surprise. Louis has a lot of work to do today and he was hoping Harry would help him relax but no.

Seriously, he was now more attached to Harry, even though he didn't want to rely on others and expect others to be the engine of his happiness, but he couldn't help it. After their last conversation three days ago, Harry grew even closer to his heart and Louis began to trust him.

"I- Sorry No I didn't think it was you, come in." Niall comfortably sits on the chair in front of Louis, laying his feet on Louis' desk. He pulled a tennis ball from his pocket.

Niall was smirking at Louis. "You thought it was Harry, didn't you?"

"Please shut up it's too early for this I'm gonna have headache from you." Louis pinches bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and inhaling as much oxygen as he can. Papers and books are laying all around him covering almost the entire desk.

"You would like that because Harry would come here and help you with your headache." Louis sighs, this will be long day. He loves to see his friends but he doesn't have enough brain cells for Niall's teasing.

"How can I help you Ni?" He asks with grin on his face, he can't lie that he doesn't like seeing his teasing friend. He can joke as much as he wants with Niall, but he can also talk about serious things when he needs them. And if he said, he didn't like talking to his friend about Harry, he would be lying.

"I wanted to ask you; you know that Gia has a birthday today?" Niall stopped playing with the tennis ball and he started paying attention to this conversation.

"Of course I do, she is my friend and employment the question is why do you know when she has birthday?"

"We are friends not that you would know it when we see each other once in a blue moon. "

"Please Ni, like my best friends stop with that, you should be happy that I'm happy and I'm not complaining and annoying you with my ass around."

"Do you mean the truck behind your back?" Niall is holding his breath so he won't laugh.

Louis looked at Niall with serious face, tilting his head to the side. "Ni, I'm gonna punch you so hard."

"Okay okay sorry so...I was thinking if you wouldn't want to make small birthday party for Gia, I think she deserves that. She is really nice and she helps you a lot."

When he thinks about it, it's not such a bad idea, at least he'll have fun with friends and still make others happy. The only bad thing about this is that he'll have to put off work for a while and think about the decorations and food so that Gia doesn't figure it out before the party.

"That's a good idea Ni, we could something here as we did for the girl one time. Do you want to do just simple dinner or something comfier or more classic and elegant?"

Butterfly L.S.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant