chapter 45

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There's an excessive quietness in Jalal household, eating the breakfast everyone seems engrossed in there own thoughts, jalal doesn't care about right from wrong because he believe that doesn't matter any longer, he treated lailah right and he gets betrayed so what's the point of been nice to people when you get hurt at the end.

"Uhmmm uncle j can you drop me off at work please?" Afrah ask breaking the silence she's been dieing to speak to her uncle about her aunt request but he seems so occupied to even stay home this days.

"Nope." He say with his gaze fix on the plate of his breakfast, jalal knows Afrah will want to speak to him about her aunt marriage request and he doesn't want that because he know very well Afrah will try to convince him not to marry her but at this point jalal knows what he want, and he knows he wants to marry afrah it's the only way to make lailah feel the same way she makes him feel.

"Uhmmm jalal." Lailah call making jalal to drop his fork with a sigh.

"Let's get something straight here Lailah,
Afrah are you sure you want to do this to please your aunt?'jalal ask and afrah give her uncle a dumbstruck look of confusion.

" n....afrah try to protest but her aunt quickly grab her hand from under table making her to turn her gaze to her, Lailah give Afrah a pleading look and afrah sigh in defeat.

"Yes." Afrah say with a tiring sigh making her aunt to give her a thankful weak smile.

"Alright in that case,
The wedding is on Friday." Jalal say with a shrug making both ladies mouth to drop.

It's.......Lailah try to protest but jalal give her his now bored emotionless look making her to keep quiet.

"Do you have a problem with that?
Today is Monday isn't four days enough for you to get ready." Jalal say pushing the plate of his breakfast and pick the glass of his watermelon juice.

"Isn't it a little bit too early?" Afrah say and jalal turn his gaze to Afrah who's staring at her plate of breakfast.

Don't worry we will soon relocate to a lot more bigger house,
Who knows maybe in the mere future i can actually decide to marry two more wives." Jalal say without a care and afrah don't know why but she find it hilarious so she chuckle making jalal to look at her in amusement and her aunt give her a confused look.

"I'm sorry,
It just doesn't make any sense to me,
Why you are doing this,
My aunt has a made a mistake, she apologizes just imagine you been in her situation, don't you think everyone deserve a second chance." Afrah say staring at her uncle and he smile weakly at her shaking his head.

"Firstly i will never be in lailah's situation because i don't feel comfortable speaking with ladies that aren't my spouse let alone jump into bed with them,
Secondly i have given Lailah a second chance if not i would have kicked her out of my life instead of taking a second wife." Jalal explain and afrah snort.

"So you taking a second wife is your own way of giving a second chance?" Afrah say and jalal node.

"That's the dumbest thing i have ever heard." Afrah say and jalal smile standing up from his chair.

My parent are coming on Thursday no need to freak out they will be lodging at a hotel." Jalal say glancing at lailah who's sitting as do she's death on the chair.

Jalal wishe he can stop himself from what he's about doing but he knows he can't, Lailah betrayed him so badly that if he choose to let go off this without doing something to quench the pain he will eventually die of emotional trauma or worst cardiac arrest, he pick his bag from the couch and exit the parlour.

"It's going to be fine eventually." Afrah say touching her aunt hand making her to sigh.

"When Afrah?
Jalal is very strict when it comes to commitment, I won't blame him for been this callous to me because i deserve it." Lailah say and breakdown making afrah to sigh.

"Don't worry aunt Lailah I'm here for you, we will go through this together insha Allah, uncle j is just jealous but he will come around soon he can't be angry with you forever,
he care about you." Afrah say wiping her aunt tears.

"Thank you Afrah,
I'm sorry for putting you in this situation i just don't want jalal to bring a complete stranger to this house, someone that will take him away from me, I love my husband despite all the things going on between us." Lailah say truthfully and afrah sigh.

Afrah knows she's taking a big risk because alot f things can go wrong,
What if her uncle refused to divorce her?
What if that obsessive feeling began to resurface ?
What if things go terribly bad  and she fall in love with him again?
What if her uncle fall in love with her?
All this questions won't stop popping into her head and she feel so scared to commit to such heavy promised to her aunt.

Promised me nothing will ever come between you and jalal please." Lailah say holding a her niece hands making her to smile weakly at her.

Afrah stare at her aunt, she feel so trapped in a very sensitive situation.
"I promised." Afrah say with a weak smile making her aunt to embrace her into a tight hug, Never did they both know that this promised will be a barrier between them and happiness.

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I'm soo excited for this wedding to happen 😁
who else is with me?

If anything goes wrong after this wedding nobody should blame my afrah because Lailah pressure her marry her husband.

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