chapter 65

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Jalals POV

Two days since Afrah got back, I'm still uselessly laying doing nothing,
Helplessness is the most painful thing on earth the need to want to do something so badly but you cannot,
All i have to do is watch and feel but i cannot respond back neither reply anything, Afrah has stop the old lady from doing anything to me ,she do take care of me, bath me,dress me up discard my urine from the Carteret and clean my feaces the must painful thing is that she do all that with a smile, she looks so happy doing all that to me, I cannot describe how bad i feel for putting her through this,
  all she did was love me yet i make her suffer in return, she come inside the bedroom with plate of food, I barely open my mouth she literally usually force the food down my throat it's still better than using that painful feeding tube.

"Uncle j it's time for lunch,
You will eat and i have two surprise for you today." She say smiling i wish i can smile back at her and tell her i am excited about the surprise but all i do is stare, just me alone with me thoughts.

"Don't be sad,
You will be fine soon i promised,
Ya sadiq is leaving today and he's going to my mum's village in the middle belt." She say and slightly push the spoon to my mouth she seems to be getting good in cooking , yes i lost every function but my taste is perfectly fine.

"I don't know if aunt lailah ever tell you where there parents are from,
Anyway my grand mum is from taraba state i don't know if you ever been there, she's from a local government called takum it shares boarder with Cameroon i guess that's how my grandfather met my grandmum." She say as i listen attentively trying to understand where this story is heading to, she give me another spoonful of the watery wheat porridge.

"Let me cut things short to you,
He's going because there alot of sorcerer and all this superstitious believers they can help you break what ever portion aunt lailah gave to you." She explain and stare at me, I wish i can speak at this point i don't mind taking any risk to get well,
I want to be able to do things for myself so badly that way Afrah won't have to suffer the way she's suffering all because of me.

"We will just hope uncle j,
I love you and we are in this together,
I don't know how you are feeling and i can never understand the pain you are going through all i can do is pray and seek for all the help i can to make sure you are fine." She say and i just stare.

All my life i have only care for people that doesn't even take me serious, even my so called parents that gave birth to me think I'm a burden that's why they gave me up for adoption, after I grew up they then come searching for me and now that i allow them into my life i need them the most they left me again, I met the so-called mother of my two children who left me when I lost my first job and then show up in my life with two grown up ass children after knowing I'm rich good thing she has a permanent memory loss and would spend the rest of her life in the mental asylum, then came lailah who i sacrifices a lot to be with only for her to do this to me,
Now that i find true love I'm laying uselessly on the bed making her suffer for my mistakes.

"It hurt me anytime you cry uncle j.
It pain me soo badly that i blame myself for you been in this situation,
You didn't deserve this, all you do is love and then it pays you back this way." She say wiping my tears as she slightly flick away the tears from her eyes.

The bedroom door creak open and her brother comes in with a wheelchair.

"Ya sadiq thank you." Afrah say with a smile and turn her gaze to me.

"Uncle j look i ask ya sadiq to buy you a wheelchair so we can spend sometime outside together." She say smiling and it just melt my heart how she want me to be happy.

"I have to go now Afrah,
My flight is about an hour." Her brother say as he walk to where I'm laying.

"You will be fine,
Soon insha Allah." He say and slightly touch my head.

"Let me see off.
Uncle j I will be right back to take you out." She say quickly trailing behind her brother and exit the bedroom.

I stare at the wheelchair,sure Afrah is the only person that can understand just how miserably bored of laying down and staring at thesame four walls everyday, surely Afrah is the only lady i will ever love because she gave me love when i needed it the most.


Once her brother left Afrah head straight to the bedroom and ask the Elderly woman who's name she learn is Sarah to help her clean up the bedroom and open the curtain for natural air to come in.

Gently but tricky is the best way to describe how she wheel the chair down the stairs now she understand why most people hate storey buildings you never can tell what life will throw on you, once outside Afrah wheel jalal to the orchard behind the house, she has ask Sarah to clean the place and it look alot  more better, she sit under the tree and stare at jalal who's having his usual blank face just staring at her with an empty eyes.

"Uncle j i hope you get well soon so we can take care of our baby together." Afrah say staring at jalal who's still having his blank stare, sometimes she wonder what he's thinking Afrah smile to herself and flick away the tears from her eyes.

"I'm pregnant uncle j,
With your baby." She say smiling at him as she sigh.
"You know sometimes i wonder what you are thinking about,
I wonder how your reaction will be after telling you this." Afrah say with a sigh.

She stay for silent for sometime before she start talking to her husband, sure jalal is inept now but he isn't deaf he can hear her so she decide to tell him all the stories she could ever come up with.

My poor uncle j.
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