Chapter 4

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"What's going on?, I everything okay?" I say nervously. "Why don't you tell us?" Aurelio says softly but sternly.

"Umm...I don't know what you mean?"

"Let me enlighten you." My day says looking mad. "Romeo was just sitting on the couch when he found a bag of what looks to be weed in it. Car to explain."

OMG! He thinks it's mine!

Oh no!

"It's not mine!" I say "Well Dante told me you were just sitting now even 30 minutes ago watching TV. He said when he came in to looked uncomfortable like you where hiding something."

Yeah that i didn't want to be in the same room as him.

*internal eye roll*

Now I'm starting to panic. "It's not mine I swear."

"Don't lie to me Marina, I don't like liars, are you telling me that is we searched your room we wouldn't fine any more weed?"

Umm obviously 🙄

"Yes, I don't do drugs." I say.

Why don't they believe me. I haven't don't anything to them so why would they not believe me.

"Boys search the whole room, bathroom and the closet too."

They are going to look stupid when they don't find anything....

"Dad I found something"

...I know I'm not one for swearing but bitch!, what!

Nico comes out of my closet with tree joints, I small bag of weed like the one that was found on the couch and a weed grinder as well as a lighter.

"NO! THEY ARE NOT MINE!!" I say with tears in my eyes. They didn't believe me I can see that they all look very, very mad. Luke looked sad and even disappointed in me.

"Luke you know me, I wouldn't do this, come on tell them." I say whining trying not to cry. " I know you had been acting different ever since we got here. I thought you where just adjusting to the family, but instead you are doing this shit! Well I guess like mother like daughter, right?" He scoffs and looks away from me.

I can't believe what I am hearing, my twin who has been with me since we where born, is believing this crap.

"What do you mean Lukas?" Dad says. "I mean our mother was and alcoholic and would smoke weed all the time. Marina probably took some from her stash and had it on her when we came here" Luke said.

I can't believe this!!!'

"NO! I promise it's not mine." By now I'm a complete mess, tears are streaming down my face. "Everyone go to bed, Marina you too. I need to think. Do you know what this could have done to our business reputation if someone found out that my only daughter, is a druggie? Do you have any idea what this could have done?" I stayed quiet looking at the ground. They weren't going to believe a single thing I say now.

After everyone was finished glaring at me and left I curled up in my bed and cried my self to sleep.
I was woken by me father at an ungodly hour it was still dark outside when I looked at the time is was 3am. 

"Marina, get up and get dressed now." My dad said coldly to me. "Okay, what's going on?" I question him. "Just get up and get dressed, hurry."

With that I went to my walk in closet and but on some leggings and an oversized jumper I'm sure is Luke's. Walking out of the closet I see my dad waiting hold a suitcase in hand. "Put your shoes on and come with me."

I don't have a good feeling about this, some is wrong.

I  put my shoes on I grab my phone and walk after me dad.

Going down to the living room my brothers are all there sitting in silence. "Umm...what is going on?"

I say to no one and to everyone. I can help but see the emotionless faces looking at me including Luke I've seen this look thousands of times but he has never given it to me before.

The only person showing any emotion was Nico, he looked at me with sympathy.

This is not good

My dad stepped forward and says. "I can't have a trouble maker in my house, especially one doing drugs. So you are going to boarding school, you will have the weekend to get settled in before classes start. I know a few people who have children going to this school and I have been assured that the school is good and they will take good care of you."

What in the heck of all heck's given does this man think he is doing!

None of my brothers say a word they just keep looking at the ground or somewhere else that isn't me.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please don't send me away! I'll be good I promise! Please." I beg my dad but it's no use.

"Stop acting like a little bitch, you did this to yourself you druggie, so fuck off already."

Dante says anger lacing his voice. Let me tell you it's hurt. Looking around no one even try's to defend me not even my own twin.

"Just go Marina, we don't want you here." Luke says to me, okay well that officially broke me. "Fine" is all I say and walk out the door behind my father.

4 hours later we pull up to a massive building. The ride was spent in complete silence. Looking at the stone building I see it is surrounded by fields and a forest.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by my father. "Come on, the headmaster is expecting us." And with that we leave the car and head to the office and to be send into the headmasters office.

"It's nice to meet you Mr.Salvatore, please have a seat, this must me Marina. I'm in headmaster Williams." He says shaking my fathers hand.

"It's good to meet you too, and yes this is Marina." My dad says "At Arrow-Brooks academy we expect that the rules are followed and you do are you are told. Your father will be kept updated of your progress while you are here also. Here is your information packet that includes your class schedule, the rule book which I expect you to read as well as a page of extracurricular activities you can sign up for." The headmaster says to me.

"O-okay, thanks" I say quietly. Just then we where interrupted by a knock at the door, it's opens to reveal a girl with brown eyes and brown hair with freckles on her face.

"I was told you wanted to see me headmaster." The girl who looked about me age said.

"Ah yes perfect timing, This is Marina Salvatore and she will be your new roommate, please show her around and get her settled in. Marina please say your goodbyes to your father and go with Hayley." The headmaster says.

At this point I'm angry, who does my father think he is. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself before he throws me away just after he got me. How dare he, I'm so angry all I wanna go is cry, but instead is must up a "Bye." And leave the office. He didn't even say anything back to me. 

I hate my life...

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