10. Trouble of All Types and Manor

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(Dick's POV)

Groggily opening my eyes, panic set it before I recognized the ceiling of my bedroom. The soft white patterns were almost invisible against the white tiles.

I laid curled up on my mattress, probably having fallen asleep and been relocated here by Bruce. Which also might explain the ache in my neck from searching for so long.

Which I'll have to get back to soon.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light coming in, the soft glow of the clock numbers not really registering for a moment.

Oh wait, never mind, it's 1:24 pm.


"Language, Master Richard," Alfred nudged open the door with his foot, frowning in disapproval.

Rolling over, I groaned into my pillow, "Sorry, Alfie."

The floorboards shifted soundlessly as he carried the food tray over, placing it in front of me, "Come, it is time to eat lunch."

Running a trembling hand through my hair, I shook my head, "I have to get back to the sear-"

He interrupted, "If you refuse to eat again, I can and will use force if necessary- do not give me that look, Master Richard, you know perfectly well of my capabilities."

Shifting my weight around to see the seriousness on Alfred's face, he gave me a kind but stern look. In all honesty, I was grateful for such a grandfatherly figure, we all would've fallen apart without him years ago.

It's a miracle he was even able to reign us it, considering it's like herding a bunch of cats into a bathtub full of water.

"Alright," I chuckled, "I give up."

Stuffing a piece of bacon into my mouth, Alfred nodded at me in satisfaction, "A wise choice, Master Richard."

(Tim's POV)

Scrunching my face in frustration as yet another facial recognition scan failed, I gulped down a scalding hot coffee, ignoring the burning of my mouth and insides.

As the caffeine finally got my brain functioning again, I couldn't help but wish the message "No Matches Found" would explode. I've been getting it with every new scan that I got and it was beyond annoying.

It made me want to throw my computer out the window.

"Any progress, Tim?"

Turning towards Bruce with an apologetic look, I hated seeing his shaken face. It probably reminded him of losing Jason all over again, not having enough news yet to know if he was okay or not.

The fear was gnawing at me too and I shook my head, "Nothing still, B, but won't stop until he's back in the Manor being the annoying pain in the butt he always is."

A pain in the butt, but a pain we missed all the same.

Running his hand over his worn-out features, Bruce nodded in understanding. He knew how hard we were all trying.

"Well, keep up the good work, Tim, and don't forget to take a break every now and then."

I nodded as he walked out of the cave, holding the weight of everything on his shoulders.

"Don't worry B," I thought, turning back to my screens, "we'll find him."

(Damian's POV)

The entire gym was trashed as I hacked and slashed my way through the dummies. I imagined them all to have the idiotic face of the man who made Todd disappear, that absurd magician "Revon".

The man was in the confines of the most secure cell in Arkham Asylum, but it still did not sit easy with me.

Soon I had lost track of the dummies I had downed, along with the hours I had spent thinking, but I ignored everything in favor of tearing the fake bodies apart.

It did not help with my rage as I first had thought it would, causing my frustration to grow and my temper to rise. Pausing to wipe the sweat from my brow, I took a sip of water as my thoughts moved to Grayson.

He had collapsed in his chair from the intense search he put up for Todd yesterday evening, and it was no wonder, working himself to the bone without a touch of sleep. It was quite stupid of him, but put in such a position, I doubt I would have done any different.

Soon word had come that Pennyworth had taken the Fool lunch, finding him awake from his slumber.

Father was relieved at the fact he was recovering from his lack of self-care, but anyone who knew Grayson would know he would get back to work as soon as he was able.

Whether he had permission to or not.


I had just gotten in from another patrol, but like all I had done before, I came back with no clues for Todd's whereabouts.

Drake was occupied with the numerous computers he engaged himself with, hoping for some chance that a glimpse would be found. Using a strong facial recognition he had created himself. And while Grayson had done anything and everything that was (and wasn't) asked of him, Father used his connections as Batman to try and find something that might be of help.

It was beyond maddening that I had not been of much use in the case of Todd's disappearance, compared to the others- and it is not like I care about the insufferable idiot, because I do not.

But his absence has been creating tension in the household.

It was quite... empty... without his absent-minded humming or infuriating insults, and I did not like it one bit.

Tch, curse you Todd for making us go through this. When you get back I will be the first to deliver a blow to your unbelievably big head.

You will wish you had not jumped in front of that blast like a complete and utter buffoon.


Morning my fellow demigods and dear mortals!

In case any of you haven't seen my message in my new update time, I'll also put here that I will be doing monthly chapters from now on due to a recent schedule change. I'll try to keep up with this new timetable for you guys, but in the meantime, here's this month's chapter of "Red Hood", I really hope you enjoy this change of POV!

         -EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon🌊🔱

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