21. Dogs and Dragons and Pumpkins Oh My

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Pulling his jacket tighter, Jason looked down at the leash in hand when Sergeant let out a soft whine.

"Hey!" Danny exclaimed, pulling her paintbrush away as he became distracted, "Stop squirming, you'll make me squiggle the lines!"

"It's cold though," Jason whined, wriggling in his seat as he let her resume, the yellow paint's cool strokes tickling his face.

"Oh hush," she snickered at his expression, "I've had seven-year old's more cooperative than you."

Jason grunted, crossing his arms and trying to keep still while sticking a tongue out. Well, the best one could while doing so, earning a laugh from Danny.

Jason's gaze now caught the sight of a child who was also laughing, a young boy whose face was painted like a scaled fish, which he presumed Danny had done before he came over. He seemed to be the sibling of the dragon-faced Miguel, the kid who ran past earlier telling him of an older brother.


Miguel and Jake were scampering to their parents, showing off the painted look while Jason smiled at the picture. Rosa's warm skin was crinkled at the eyes with a smile as Don scooped the brothers, pulling them into his arms and laughing when a startling thought came to Jason's mind.

I want that.

Blinking once more, Jason almost shook his head at the thought but didn't dare to, instead looking back at Danny's concentrated face, unconsciously smiling as she blew hair from her eyes, golden strands slipping from their hair tie.

She scolded, "Jason!"




Looking down at what Jason assumed to be a 'c'mon lets go' face, Sergeant woofed again, pulling against the leash strongly.

"Okay," Jason grumbled, pulling Danny along with him and the unnaturally eager animal. They laughed, Danny gripping Jason's arm for better support.

"We're coming!"

Finally slowing down, Danny looked up at Jason, her own painted face wrinkling with her expression. Looking up at the booth they now stood beside, she rubbed her chilled hands together.

"Okay, who's ready for pumpkin carving!"

"Hell yeah," Jason clapped his hands together in response, "all I need is a knife."

Rolling her eyes, she guided him to a pumpkin of his own, paying the booth watcher quickly, "Well someone's knife-happy today, aren't we."

"You bet," Jason snarked in return before his face morphed into a relaxed grin, "speaking of bet, I bet I can make a better pumpkin than you can!"

"Oh really now," Danny put her hands on her hips, head tilted at the challenge, "well then I bet I can make a better pumpkin than you can!"

Jason's grin grew, "If I win, I get to play any game I want however many times I want on Day 3 (fall games)!"

"Fine," her eyes glimmered, "but if I win, I get to cache in any favor or ask that I want. One where you have to do whatever I say."

"Down to the letter," he raised an eyebrow.

"Down to the letter," Danny nodded firmly, sticking a hand out, "so is it a deal, Mr. Todd?"

He gripped her hand firmly.

"Oh, it's a deal alright, Ms. Walker."


Hello fellow demigods and dear mortals!

So here's this month's chapter ready and rearing to go, but don't forget, I take feedback! This means if there are any questions, comments, or concerns you can just drop them down here!

 See y'all next time!

EthanVenlivrenVari, Cabin #3, Child of Poseidon 🔱🌊

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