Chapter 44

416 20 4

Translator: NovelMultiverse
Editor: NovelMultiverse

With the last remarks of the Sheep tribe, the Alliance of the twelve summit again became a blight.  

戌[The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most doglike] “I’m ashamed. I thought for a moment that the Sheep guy was cool.”

申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “You are one to talk since you have never had a moment where you were cool.”

戌[The guy who says it’s like a dog is the most doglike] “The heaven’s horse caretaker should just go clean after the horses.”

午[A sensitive black horse] “Would you like to come to clean it?”

申[Jecheondaeseong, the strongest in the universe] “I’m watching you. I’m really watching you.”

戌[The guy who says he is like a dog is the most like a dog] Why is the guy who bothered me first getting angry? What are you going to do? Watch me all you want then fuck off to the stables.”

The talks continued between the mutual hatred.

Hwang Ji-ho continued to have a serious face after the word “nightmare” came out.

He looked at the messy conference hall and asked him.  

“Cho Eui-shin, is this enough?”


“I guess you figured it out. Let’s think about the nightmare thing later. From now on, the damn moon rabbit and I will deal with it.”  

Ok To-yeon was muttering with her red eyes looking down.  

“Ugh. It’s not like the nightmares are random or anything. I hope it’s not one of us here? For the time being, I’m not going to come here or go even near the locations of the 12.”

“You are welcome to do that. On the condition that you do not have access to the Silver Light district for half a year, the school will serve moon rabbit rice cake for a month in the cafeteria.”


“The contract is established. Even the name of coming to see Eun-ho’s descendants doesn’t work.”

As Hwang Ji-ho laughed triumphantly, Ok To-yeon lost her confidence for the first time.  

“Uh! That’s kind of… Oh, I want to cancel, cancel! I want to meet them often!”

“You know that the contract has already been signed?”

“······Eunho, please come back.”  

It seemed that Hwang Ji-ho was more skilled with words than she was.

In the end, Ok To-yeon in exchange for yapping her mouth signed an unfair contract.

On the condition that there was no access to Silver Light District for two months, the moon rabbit rice cake was sold at the Silver Light school cafeteria for a month at 1/3 the market price.  

‘It’s a great deal from a student’s point of view. Moon rabbit rice cake for lunch…!’  

Hwang Ji-ho, who was feeling better, was smiling with his golden eyes twinkling.

“I am now dead to Sister Toyoon…… The more I sell, the more I lose, This!”

“If you die, I’ll pay enough condolence money for your funeral.”

Hwang Ji-ho smiled the brightest and had the brightest face he had seen today, and then looked towards the conference hall.  

寅 [Tiger] “I order you as the host of the Alliance of the Twelve Summit. Quiet!” 

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