Chapter 49

341 16 5

Translator: NovelMultiverse
Editor: NovelMultiverse

The playable character, Jaegal Jaegeol.

Jaegal Jaegeol’s ability was expressed in the form of an extremely rare skill, words.

His player alias was Aquamarine Poet (藍玉詩人).

It was an alias that received the criticism that ‘the poet-like player’s words glow like aquamarine’.

The rare ability and noble character of Jaegal Jaegeol caught the attention of  Thoth, the god of the ancient Egyptian mythology and higher ranking entity, personally provided its blessing to him.

The god of knowledge, science, language, time, and the moon. The guardian angel of libraries, the blessing that Thoth personally gave was,

[I hope your words will always be true.]

With that blessing, Jaegal Jaegeol could no longer lie, but he was reborn as a more powerful player by being protected by the superior being.

A just and strong player.

Head of the Academic Affairs Department in charge of overall school affairs.

Such a person even served as an advisor to the newspaper department, making it difficult to control the media in the school.

The “followers” ​​made a plan to remove him.

They succeeded by making the student as bait, and he ended up leaving the Silver Light high school.

However, in Silver Light high school, there were some who never tolerated his exit.

[Mr. Jaegal, why are you sick! That’s not true, right? You are pretending to be sick right?]

[We formed a party to get a SSR-class recovery item now! Get ready to come back to school!]

[If the SSR-class recovery item doesn’t work we will even go to Russia to get a UR-class recovery item!]

[You just need to bring your body! We have prepared everything including socks!]

[We also brought a wheelchair and a hospital bed!]  

The 2nd-grade students in class 0 left studying behind and chased after Jaegal Jaegeol.

The appearance of the students in the 2nd-grade class 0 did not appear in the game, but there was a depiction that the lines continue to be heard outside the darkroom of Jaegal Jaegeol.

Jaegal Jaegeol worried that his students would stop their studies because of himself.

He shows his dying self to the second-grade class 0 students once.

The only thing that showed in the game was the back of Jaegal Jaegeol, whose shape had changed.

Screaming and lament poured out through the door gap as he showed his appearance.  

[No, it can’t be….]

[Teacher is a liar…… he said that he will teach us until we graduate…….]


The body of Jaegal Jaegeol was at the level where an item could fix it.

In fact, he was pretty much dead.

Thoth, the superior being who cherished him, helped his time go by very slowly, leaving a little time to organize the little life he had left.

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