09 | nine

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Selene Williams

It was New Year's Eve today! My mom was hosting a party that I invited all my friends to. Well, it's more like she told me I could invite my friends and their families, but I already did, so it didn't really matter. Anyway, when I told Melionë about the party, she looked a little nervous. I told her she didn't have to come because I know she hates big crowds, but she smiled and said she would tell her mom about it. I was surprised when she actually showed up.

"Selene!" Ace exclaimed.

"What?" I rolled my eyes, looking in his direction. He was holding hands with Melionë, and Isaiah and a girl followed them. Isaiah looked a bit irritated as he watched Ace and Melionë walk over to us. The girl had a sly smirk on her face eyeing both Ace and Melionë up and down.

"Mel's here!" He smiled cheerfully.

"Hey, Mel," I smiled. "Who's that?"

"Who is who?" Melionë signed.

"The girl standing behind you," I pointed to the girl behind Melionë.

"Oh, that is my friend, River. I hope it's alright that she came," Melionë signed.

"Yeah, it's fine. Hi, River, I'm Selene," I held my hand out.

"Ohhhh, Mel has told me about you," She smiled, shaking my hand.

"Really?" I arched an eyebrow.

"She said you have a great fashion sense and are really funny. She was definitely spot on. I love that dress you're wearing," River admired.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. Isaiah took a seat next to me, along with River, while Melionë stayed standing, next to Ace. She looked very uncomfortable. She was playing and picking at her fingers, shifting her weight from side to side, overall being very fidgety.

"Mel.....are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm a bit nervous," Melionë signed.

"Do you want a glass of water?" Ace smiled.

She nodded.

"So, what's their deal?" River asked as they walked over to the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Isaiah asked.

"Well, Mel seems to like it when he holds her hand a lot, and-" River started.

Jay spat his drink out. "How can you tell?"

"One, her body relaxes when he holds her hand. Two, if Isaiah isn't close to her, she'll hold Ace's hand if she feels scared. Shall I continue?" River asked.

"They also have nicknames for each other," I added.

".......Since when?!" Isaiah explained.

"Ace calls her Precious, and Mel calls him Golden Boy 'cause she heard his sister call him that," Jay nodded.

"So I was right!" Isaiah yelled. "She does have a crush on him!"

"Shhhhh, be quiet!" I shushed Isaiah.

"Well, Mel hasn't interacted with people in a while, so maybe she just sees him as a second older brother?" River suggested.

"That's even worse!" Isaiah whined.

"It's okay! She still loves you," I smiled.

"Yeah, it'll be fine," River sighed.

"What'll be fine?" Ace asked.

".....Nothing," We all said in unison.

~~~1 hour before midnight~~~

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