19 | nineteen

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Melionë Brewer

"I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" I yelled, running downstairs. "THIS IS TERRIBLE!"

"Good. Now, you can't go," Isaiah smiled.

"Aww, sweetie, I'll help you," My mom smiled, shooting a glare at Isaiah.

It was 6:30 pm on a Saturday. I was at home trying to find what I should wear for my date with Ace in two hours. Earlier, my mom took me to get a pedicure and manicure. AND I got white acrylic nails. I didn't get them long because I hate long nails, they inconvenience me and long nails are quite scary to me. The whole time I did those things, it never occurred to me to think about what I should wear. So now I have to pick out an outfit, shave, do my makeup, and do my hair IN TWO HOURS.

"I can't do everything in two hours!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, okay," My mom took a deep breath. "You go take a shower and shave, I'll pick out some outfits for you then you can decide on which one you want, I was going to help you with your makeup anyway, and I can also help you do your hair."

"Okay-" I sighed, grabbing a towel from the hallway closet, and heading to the bathroom. I turned the water to what my mom calls "scorching hot". I left the water running for her once because she went in right after me and that was the first time I heard my mom swear. Now I never leave the water on if someone is going in the shower after me. SHAVING IS SO ANNOYING. IT TOOK ME 45 MINUTES TO SHAVE MY LEGS, MY ARMS, AND MY ARMPITS. Maybe I'm just bad at it? I don't know- Anyway, I quickly wrapped my body with a towel, and ran to my room.

"Okay! I'm done! What outfits do I have to pick out from?!" I asked, barging into my room.

"You have these outfits to choose from," My mom smiled, waving her hand in front of three outfits laying on my bed. All the options I had were very promising:

Outfit #1 - A pink sweater and a skirt with thin white and black stripes.

Outfit #2 - The back dress I wore on my birthday with a red shirt underneath it.

Outfit #3 - Beige jeans with a long-sleeved cloud blouse.

I felt confident and wanted to put myself out there a bit more, so I chose outfit number two. My mom stepped out of the room while I slipped on the shirt and dress. I rummage through my closet quickly, looking for the red ankle strap flats I had. I would wear heels, but they hurt like hell sometimes.

Once I found the flats, I walked out to get my mom, and she helped me with my makeup and hair. My makeup was fairly neutral besides the red lipstick. Then she helped me brush out my hair. I left it down because I didn't want to be too extra. But to top the whole thing off I put on the necklace Dimitri gave me for my birthday.

And just like that, I was ready for my date. I even have 5 minutes to spare. Now, I can mentally prepare myself since I already physically prepared myself. PEP TALK TIME! It's only Ace. You've hung out with him before, it won't be any different-

"MEL! ACE IS HERE!" My mom called.

WHAT?! WHY IS HE HERE EARLY?! I'M NOT MENTALLY READY FOR THIS. OH, CRAP I CAN'T JUST STAND HERE, WHAT DO I DO? Something dumb, obviously. I grabbed my purse that my mom double-checked to make sure I had everything I needed. I walked downstairs, trying to hide the fact that I was nervous, but Percy wasn't helping because as soon as I walked out of my room he was all over me.

The further I walked downstairs, the more I realized how embarrassing my family can be. Isaiah was giving Ace a death glare, my mom was talking Ace's ear off, and Dimitri was giving Ace a subtle death glare. When I actually got a full view of Ace, I almost fell down the five other steps I had to take. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt, and a black blazer. He also got his hair done, which took me aback because I've only seen his bed hair and semi-messy hair.

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