Cheryl x Reader - Lost in the Forest

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So... no one asked for this but I like her and I need to get another oneshot out so... yeah. Lil' something for my Cheryl simps! That, and I haven't written anything for the female characters.
Also – Question of the oneshot! (Yes I'm gonna do these now, they're fun.) What's your favourite starter Pokémon for each type? My favourite starters are probably Rowlet, Cyndaquil and Mudkip!

You had been wandering through Eterna Forest for a while now. One of your Pokémon were helping you stagger your way around since you had hurt your leg badly. Upon entering, you thought you knew the forest well enough since you've passed through so many times, however the sun was now setting, abandoning the forest to be left in darkness. (Insert Fire Pokémon) was doing a good job in keeping your surroundings bright as you cautiously travelled through the forest.

Somewhere in the distance, you could hear someone. Feeling nervous about the dark forest, you decided to move towards the sound. As the person spoke, a Pokémon responded in a friendly tone, it sounded like a Chansey. You called out to them, hoping whoever they were could help you get out, or offer some medical help, "Hey, excuse me! Do you think you could help me?"

"Oh! Someone else is here too!" The voice sounded very soft and sweet, helping some of your anxiety go away. After a few seconds, they came into the light that (insert fire Pokémon from earlier) produced for you, "Hello there, are you alright?" It was a woman with long leaf green hair that was put in a braid and rested over her shoulder, along with the same leaf green coloured eyes, she had a Chansey by her side that smiled happily. Her eyes widened upon noticing your leg, "Oh my! Your leg looks injured, Chansey can get that healed up if you'd like!"

You smiled at how eager the woman was to help you, "Yes please, if you don't mind." The green haired woman helped you sit down on the grass without causing your leg too much pain. Her Chansey used Heal Pulse on you, near instantly removing the harsh pain in your leg, "Thank you, I thought I could remember my way out of here but once the sun went down, I got a little lost." You chuckled nervously, feeling more than stupid for getting lost in the first place."

"Don't worry about it, I got a little lost too, unfortunately." She smiled as she helped you stand up, partially forgetting to let go of your hand, "But, hopefully it'll be safer if we go together, don't you agree?"

Her smile was enough to make you feel rather safe, "Yeah, that would be much better."

After a second, she noticed something and finally let go of your hand, "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Cheryl. What's your name?"

You gave your head a subtle nod, "(Y/N). It's nice to meet you Cheryl."

"It's nice to meet you too, (Y/N)! Now, let's hope we can find our way out of this forest." You agreed as the two of you began to walk in the direction you think you recalled to be the way out.

Whilst you accompanied her through the forest, there were some aggressive Pokémon that were trying to battle you. Thankfully, they only consisted of Buneary, Budew, or Burmy so they weren't too difficult to handle. Cheryl was lovely enough to keep your Pokémon healed up, "Ah, (Y/N), your Pokémon must be tired. Here, let me heal them up!" She always said that or a variation of those words to you after nearly every battle you had. It was sweet.

Over time, she decided to strike up a conversation after a while of silence. It wasn't an awkward silence thought. Of course, everything felt fairly tense, given the circumstances, but the silence between the two of you felt fairly comfortable, "May I ask how you hurt your leg earlier?"

You nodded, shyly giggling at the story, "Well... it's a little embarrassing, but..." Nervously scratching the back of your neck, you told her the story, "There was this really stubborn Buneary that just wouldn't leave me be. It kept bashing into my leg, which wasn't too bad at first, but
it started hurting much more over time."

"My, that sounds awful. Some Pokémon are just more aggressive than others." She shook her head, "Well, at least it only gave you some leg troubles, many Pokémon can be much more dangerous." You nodded in agreement, "Then again, that's why I have Chansey by my side! If I ever get injured, I know I can rely on her!"

Hearing her happily talk about her Pokémon cause a smile to appear on your face, "I'm often more worried about my Pokémon. I always stock up on potions, antidotes, everything. I've never actually planned what to do if something happens to me instead of them." You laugh nervously.

Cheryl smiled warmly, "That's very sweet of you." Her smile easily made your cheeks heat up. Why were you suddenly feeling this way?

More time passed with the two of you walking through the darkened forest, until you reached a large gap in between the trees with a faint light emitting from the distance, "Hey, I think we found the way out!" She exclaimed with a smile, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to the assumed-to-be exit. Heat quickly rose to your cheeks once you felt her soft hand in yours.

"Yeah, I think this is it!" You both walked out of the forest you were stuck in for a while. You could see the lights of Eterna City glowing in the distance.

Cheryl eyes lit up like the stars, "Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" She took your hands and clasped hers around yours.

"F-For what?" You asked, your cheeks were only getting warmer by the second.

"What do you mean 'for what'? For helping me through the forest, of course!" She smiled, along with Chansey making a friendly noise to you.

You smiled, rather shy about the interaction, "It's fine, really, don't worry about it." You said with a smile on your face. How was it that she could so easily captivate you? To begin, she was gorgeous, her leaf green eyes always seemed to look kind, not to mention how her soft voice could make anyone fall in love. Wait... You were in love?

After a few seconds, she let go of your hands, "Well, I should really get going, thank you again, (Y/N)!"

You turned your head away slightly, "Again, it's no prob–"

Before you could finish, she gave you a quick peck on the cheek, causing your face to light up like the morning sun. You completely froze up, stammering over the words you attempted to get out of you. Seeing you act this way made her giggle as she waved her hand as a goodbye before walking in the direction of Eterna City. Not long after, you snapped out of the trance she accidentally put you in as you quickly followed, hoping to catch up with her, "Wait, Cheryl! Can I get your number?" You called after her as she giggled more at your behaviour, finding it absolutely adorable.

Word count: 1222

Okay, I'd like to apologise real quick for not updating for a few days! I wanted to get these out daily when I first started them but then school started up again and all that stuff. Still though, don't be shy to request anything, even if you've already requested, I don't mind you requesting again!

Have a wonderful day and stay safe!

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