Akari x reader - A familiar girl

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Thank you to Sessylu75 for helping me with this oneshot!
Question of the oneshot! What's a game that you love that you're SURE no one has ever heard of? For me it would be Puzzle and Dragons, specifically Puzzle and Dragons Z, it came with a Mario version too.
Well anyway, onto the oneshot!

Your consciousness slowly began to seep back in. The last thing you could remember was someone crouching down by you, their voice sounded faded, unable to tell what they were saying.

Your eyes steadily opened, trying to get used to the light of the room you were in. As you glanced around, you noticed a girl standing by your side, talking to who you assumed to be a nurse. They seemed to have noticed you waking up, "Oh thank goodness you're not dead!" The girl exclaimed, "You should really be more careful out there! Pokémon can be dangerous!"

Now that you could see her face, you noticed how familiar she looked. It felt like you knew her but maybe your mind was just playing tricks on you, "Yeah... sorry. I, um..." You mumbled out an apology, still confused about everything. You had a faint memory of passing out somewhere outside, somewhere like a field.

"Oh, please, don't worry about it!" She sat down on the end of the bed, "So, how're you feeling?"

This girl seemed so strangely familiar to you, yet you couldn't quite figure out why. You nodded, trying not to think about it too much, "Alright, I guess...? Um, where am I, by the way? I really don't remember much." You asked, taking glances around the room.

She tilted her head, looking a bit perplexed by your question, "You're in Jubilife village, here in Hisui. I found you out in the Fieldlands and carried you here." She told you, "Can you... remember anything? She asked as you shook your head, "Well, our Captain, Cyllene, said that she was going to ask you a few things but, since you don't remember anything, I guess that–"

Just then, the doors opened to reveal a VERY intimidating woman. You took an educated guess and assumed she was the Captain that the girl told you about. She took a glance at you before turning her stare to the girl, "Once they are healthy, bring them to my office. There are many questions that they need to answer."

The girl nodded, "Yes ma'am." Nothing more was said until the woman exited the room, the sudden tension now leaving the air.

Strangely yet thankfully, you weren't injured too badly so you were back on your feet after around a few hours. As ordered, the girl who found you had took you to the captain's office, leaving shortly after as she waited outside the room. You were asked a lot of questions, where you came from, how you got here, and what you can remember. Unfortunately, there wasn't much you could tell them during your interrogation, all you could remember was your name and suddenly waking up in a field. Hearing all of this was, of course, suspicious. After some negotiating, the captain was only slight convinced that you meant no harm, only because her Abra took a liking to you. That obviously wasn't a reason for immediate trust however.

While the captain was deciding on what to do with you, a man came running into the room, seeming to be rather panicked, "Ah, Captain Cyllene, terribly sorry to interrupt but those three Pokémon have run off again!"

After some more of the man's rambling, the captain turned to you, "Well then, I suppose I could task you with catching the three Pokémon that ran off from our professor. If you succeed, I'll consider letting you join the Galaxy Expedition Team. Otherwise, you'll just have to survive outside of the village, which isn't the best option for you. Of course, I'll have Akari keep an eye on you." That's when the girl from earlier came in. So her name was Akari, for some reason, that didn't sound quite right to you.

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