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Karina POV

Going to work had become incredibly difficult. Thoughts of Winter kept me too distracted to do anything really, much less teach. She seemed to be getting sadder and sadder as the days passed and it felt terrible to just stand by and watch. I kept telling myself there was something I could to do help, but I just didn't know what.

As usual, I tried to pay attention to the student talking in front of me but my eyes never failed to wander off. Winter was sitting in her normal seat in the back, slumped over so that her hair was covering her face, and I couldn't help but to try and figure out if she was doing it on purpose. I looked up at Jennie. "Uh, I'm sorry, what was your question again?"

She put her hand on her hip. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes Jennie," I sighed. "What do you need?"

She went off on a rant about the assignment and I almost immediately tuned out again. To be fair, I wasn't even entirely sure what I assigned. I was so out of it today. I had one single thought running through my mind, and it was the question of whether or not Leo had laid a hand on Win yet. It didn't matter how pissed off at her I was, I still couldn't stop thinking about it.

The bell rang and Jennie groaned, picking up her bag and walking out the door with a less than helpful response from me. I stared at Winter, trying to notice any imperfections. It wouldn't have been hard; I had spent the last two months in my apartment admiring her features, at this point I would notice anything out of place.

She didn't look to be in pain and I couldn't spot any visible bruises, but I knew that she was smart, or dumb, enough to cover up anything that Leo left on her body. She stood up, slinging her bag over her shoulder and walking beside Giselle to the front of the room. I could tell she was struggling with whether or not to look up, and when our eyes met, it made everything ten times worse.

She immediately looked away and walked out of the room. I stood up mindlessly and headed towards the door as well even though I didn't have a fourth period class. I watched her stop at Giselle's locker farther down the hallway, both of them speaking briefly. I couldn't hear her very well but after a few moments, her attitude shifted and her voice raised.

"No, I can't go, just stop asking me Giselle! And do me a favor, please, and tell Lia that's she cool but... it's just not going to work out."

With that, she turned away from Giselle and all but ran in my direction, whether purposefully or not. She met my eyes one more time, painfully might I add, before disappearing around the corner. My heart fell out of my chest when I realized what she was doing. She was distancing herself from the few friends that she did have because of what had happened between Leo and I. She was scared that Giselle and Lia would get hurt too.

I was almost sure of it, and it made me feel sick.

It made me feel sick because she didn't deserve to be scared of her friends getting hurt. She deserved to have those people in her life that she could count on, and a loving family, and a safe home. It didn't matter how pissed off at her I was, I knew that she had a raw deal and I hated the fact that she didn't have any of those things anymore.

When my last class ended, I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I wouldn't see Win again until tomorrow and I needed to get her out of my head because she was all that I could think about and it was killing me. I couldn't go back to my apartment because I knew the silence would remind me of how empty I felt inside, and I didn't want to fall into the state that I had been in after my mom passed.

Instead, I went to the gym. All I really wanted to do was box with Percy but I couldn't do that. If I wanted to take out some real frustration, I needed Percy to fight back, and I couldn't go into work tomorrow with a split lip or anything of the sort.

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