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Arthur watched Merlin from the distance. The boy reached the end of the forest, stepped forward, but then a huge birdlike creature landed before him. The Prince was about to draw his sword and run to help Merlin, when he saw that the boy and the creature were talking. They seemed to know each other, Arthur wondered.

He then watched from the edge of the forest as Merlin abruptly came to a halt on the middle of the bridge, and talked to a very strange woman. Arthur started to think that he had gone mad. He watched the exchange between the shimmering beauty and Merlin, and couldn't help but feel a bit jealous: Merlin seemed so fascinated about the lady.

When Merlin reached the end of the bridge, Arthur stepped forward to follow him. However, the curious birdlike animal stopped him, just like it had stopped Merlin.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked aggressively, his sword aloft.

"Arthur Pendragon, the brave Prince," bowed the creature. "Welcome to Dragonfield!"

"Who are you? And how do you know Merlin?" Arthur shouted again, but the Griffin only looked at him with a knowing expression before flying away.

Arthur shook his head before continuing towards the bridge. He wasn't even surprised when the lady appeared in front of him. However he was quite shocked about how beautiful she looked.

"Welcome here, Arthur Pendragon!" she sing-sang. "I am The Lady of the Lake, guardian of Dragonfield."

"How do you know Merlin?"

"Emrys is my child. My king. My brother."


"In his world, this is his real name, Emrys."

"What do you mean, in his world?"

The Lady only smiled.

"Answer me!" demanded Arthur, though he knew that he had no influence on the Lady. With or without his sword, he felt that the Lady was somehow above him. As if she was, in some way, magical-

Arthur dropped his sword. The last time he heard this word "magical", it was Merlin who said it. When he had woken up from being unconscious and he had started talking about a land. Suddenly it dawned on him: Merlin had been there before. Or at least he had seen this land.

"But how?" he asked aloud.

"Emrys was born here, Arthur Pendragon. This is his home."

"No. Merlin was born in Ealdor."

"Yes, he was. But before that, he was born here."

"What are you talking about? How could he have been born twice?" To Arthur, it sounded ridiculous.

"There is a prophecy, Arthur Pendragon. It is carried by the air, the waters, fires and the earth. Every living creature knows that once his time has come, Emrys would return to his kingdom and save it. And he needs you to do it." With that the Lady had disappeared before Arthur could have asked something else.

The Prince continued his way towards where he suspected Merlin had gone. He couldn't understand a single word. What was happening?

As he was contemplating the possibilities, he heard voices. Cries of fear and pain. He stopped. What was happening? The shrieks got louder and louder, so Arthur quickened his pace.

He soon reached the vast field that seemed to be the very heart of the land. He caught glimpse of a beautiful palace, but he couldn't pay any closer attention to it, since he spotted the large black cloud right above it. He ran closer to see what was causing the people to cry so desperately when he saw him.

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