The Miracle Birth

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Auggie: 29
Emryn: 33, 40 weeks, 4 days pregnant

November 29 2043

5:30 pm

"Y-Y-You look s-so b-b-beautiful,"Auggie compliments, his hand laying halfway across the table with Emryn's placed in it as she sits on the other side of the table, a bowl of pasta in front of both of them as they sit in their favorite fancy Italian restaurant.

"Thank you, baby,"Emryn blushes, rubbing her thumb against Auggie's knuckles as she rests her other hand on top of her bump, taking a little break in eating since she's really not hungry at all for reasons that she's not quite ready to admit to Auggie. "You look so handsome, I love when your hair gets a bit longer."

"W-We were s-s-supposed to h-have you c-c-cut it before the b-baby comes, s-s-so maybe you can cut it t-t-tonight,"Auggie suggests, taking another bite of his pasta as Emryn rubs her palm over her bump, exhaling deeply as she nods and pinches a smile up at him.

"Yeah, maybe,"Emryn plays along, knowing there's no way she'll be able to cut it tonight. She thought they were just gas pains, but then she realized they were coming every six minutes...and that's when she realized it was real. This is very real. "Or we can keep it long. You look so cute when it falls into your eyes."

Auggie chuckles and shakes his head, sticking his fork back into his pasta, twirling the noodles around his fork before bringing them up to his lips and peeking up at Emryn who look a bit pained, but then again she's three days overdue, so she often is pained by aches and little growing pains.

"You o-o-okay?"Auggie asks, watching as Emryn continues to pick at her pesto pasta, pushing the noddles around in her bowl but refusing to bring any to her mouth.

"Yeah,"Emryn asks, trying to play it cool as she looks up at Auggie, still rubbing her free hand against her bump, "why?"

"Y-You're not e-e-eating your dinner,"Auggie observes with a little frown, seeing how Emryn's eaten maybe four bites of her pasta whereas she normally devours it, "is s-s-something wrong w-w-with it?"

"No no, it's great,"Emryn promises, shaking her head and taking a little bite of pasta just to prove it to Auggie, "I'm just not too hungry."

"Oh o-okay,"Auggie nods, keeping his gaze on Emryn to make sure she's telling the truth, and she knows she's not. She's been starving all day and constantly told Auggie how excited she was to go out because of how much she was craving pesto pasta. "Are y-y-you feeling a-a-alright?"

"Yeah, they're moving loads,"Emryn confirms, giggling softly as the baby kicks right against her hand, her big bump hitting against the table.

"Are t-t-they?"Auggie grins, resting his elbow on the table with his cheek in his palm, grinning wildly at Emryn who's never looked more beautiful than when she's pregnant, she's sure of it.

"Yeah, their bum is so high up, it's like right here,"Emryn smiles, rubbing her bump before she feels it tighten viciously, definitely becoming more intense than the tightenings that were happening at the beginning of the dinner.

Auggie notices her eyebrows pinching together as she exhales deeply, her lips a bite pursed. "Y-You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm all good, why?"Emryn blows him off, rubbing her bump as she forces her eyes to open to try and keep Auggie suspicion-less

"No r-r-reason, j-just checking."Auggie lies, shooting one last concerned glance towards Emryn before he takes another bite of his pasta, deciding to drop the conversation. He knows that Emryn will tell him when she's ready to, and apparently it's not that time yet.

Talk Too Much: Auggie's Story-H.S. FanficWhere stories live. Discover now