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"Jiya was having a fit yesterday, it was so amusing" Aunt Aeri told him.

"I thought she might have grown out of her childish tantrums, seems like she's still the same" Jungkook sighed, playing with his food.

"There won't be any hope for her, unless your parents stop agreeing to every spoiled whims of her" Aeri scoffed, it's her brother's and sister-in-law's fault for overindulging Jiya.

They are also fault at many things, compared to those, this is nothing.

"They are not my parent, they never were" Jungkook scoffed, his hands clutching the fork tightly, "Let them do whatever they want, I stopped giving shits about them years ago" he spat coldly

"Jungkookie, please tell me you are not taking suppressers" Aeri asked in concern, she tried to make Jungkook stop using those damned suppressors but he never listened, she know that it's a way of his coping up with everything.

"I am doing fine" Jungkook snapped irritated, making Aeri grow more worried.

"You should stop taking those, its not good for your health" Aeri spoke softly, as she stared at the tired face and sunken eyes of her son. She know that Jungkook is far from fine, but her stubborn son won't speak about it even if his life depended on it.

Jungkook purposely avoided her gaze, he is perfectly fine, he's not worth of all these concerns.

After a long minute of silence Aeri asked, "So, how's Taehyung" trying to change subject

"He's not what I have been expecting" Jungkook shrugged, making Aeri's rise her eyebrow, "He's nice"

"That's good, he must be a perfect gentleman if you haven't broken his face" Aeri teased, making jungkook roll his eyes.

They chatted for a bit, Jungkook told her about his upcoming plans, the project he has been working on.

They parted away with Aeri asking Jungkook to invite Taehyung for dinner next time, making Jungkook scowl at his aunt.

Taehyung woke up at the middle of the night, there was a feeling of something clawing inside his stomach. A feeling of emptiness, which wasn't much help to V's aggressive pacing inside his mind.

That damn wolf know how to make his life hell.

Taehyung decided to take a walk, he walked barefoot to downstairs, loving the feeling of cold floor.

He stopped on his tracks, when he heard a quiet sobbing voice.

It was Jungkook

The Omega was sitting on the couch infront of fireplace, his body wrapped in a comforter.

One part of his mind told him to go back to his room and pretend like he didn't see anything. Other part of his mind screamed at him to go and comfort the Omega.

He isn't sure how Jungkook will react to his presence.

Taehyung felt his feet unconsciously walking towards the Omega.

"Jungkook" He called softly

It was then, Jungkook noticed the presence of the Alpha, he hastily wiped his tears, his face morphed into a guarded mask. As if preparing for Taehyung's reaction.

"Couldn't sleep" Taehyung spoke for both of them, as he sat beside Jungkook, who was watching him carefully.

Jungkook's eyes were puffy from crying, his cheeks and nose a adorable shade of pink that Taehyung badly want to squish him and wrap the omega inside his arms, If possible hide him from the entire world.

My Omega (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now